Thanks to their wise leaders, greater successes of Azerbaijan and Turkey are yet to come


“Turkey, a friend and brother who is among the world’s leading countries with its strength and power, is making great successes in the field of technology today. The “TEKNOFEST” festival held every year since 2018 is a visual demonstration of this. It can be said that the festival is expanding year by year and the number of participants is increasing. If in 2018 there were 4333 teams and 20 thousand participants in “TEKNOFEST”, this year the number of teams has already exceeded 333 thousand, and the number of participants has exceeded 1 million. Of course, all these successes of our brotherly country make us deeply happy and proud.Last year, “TEKNOFEST” was organized in Azerbaijan for the first time outside of Turkey and was remembered for its grandeur. There were visitors from almost all parts of our republic. TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan, which gave young people the opportunity to realize their ideas on drones, robotics, satellite modeling and other fields, instilled in them the culture of working for science, making innovations, and competing in a healthy environment. The invitation of the President of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, to this year’s magnificent and significant “TEKNOFEST” is a sign of unwavering friendship. This shows once again that the two brothers are together in the happy day as well as in the bad day. The leaders of both countries walked together at the festival and were welcomed by the participants with great enthusiasm and applause. Today on the world map there are both strong Azerbaijan and strong Turkey. It goes without saying that the architects of these achievements are the presidents of the brotherly countries. During their activities, they worked only for the sake of their peoples and states, and the results of this are now obvious.”

 Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, the speech of President Ilham Aliyev, which was accompanied by applause at the festival, was memorable: “Our head of state once again declared that our brother countries are always together and united. Our President touched upon the moral and political support of Turkey during the 44-day Patriotic War. Indeed, the brotherly country was with us from the first day, Mr. Rajab Tayyib Adogan showed everyone his place by saying “Azerbaijan is not alone”. Of course, this moral support added additional strength to the strength of our country.

It can be said with certainty that Turkey fulfilled its fraternal duty with dignity, its support of Azerbaijan until the end made every Azerbaijani proud. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan also honored our victory by participating in the Victory Parade. Currently, the alliance between Azerbaijan and Turkey is at its highest peak with the Shusha Declaration. The declaration, which contains the important issues of our public life, defines a qualitatively new stage of development of bilateral relations and ensures sustainable development at all levels. Also, the Declaration increases the geostrategic importance of the alliance.”

“In his speech, Mr. Ilham Aliyev also called the path taken by Turkey in the last 20 years an honorable path. Everyone knows how powerful Turkey is today. It has a big say in the world, its economy is developing day by day, its industry is expanding, and its military power is, of course, non-negotiable. The recent growth of the military industry has further strengthened the defense capabilities of the brother country. Turkey has always stood by the right and justice, and all its efforts are for peace and security in the world. As the head of our state noted, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has great merits in the convergence of Turkish states, solidarity, organization, expansion of the activities of the Organization of Turkic States, which they are united in, and increasing the reputation and ranks of the Turkish states. In a word, the fraternal country is confidently moving towards a brighter future under the leadership of its leader Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan”, said the member of the Milli Majlis.

Within the framework of “TEKNOFEST”, the foundation ceremony of the residential complex consisting of a thousand houses, schools, mosques and other infrastructure facilities to be built in Kahramanmarash province of Azerbaijan, where the earthquake occurred, took place online. By the way, from the first day of the devastating earthquake in Turkey, Azerbaijan showed its solidarity. The head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev sent a letter of condolence to the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, followed by a phone call to say that our country shares Turkey’s pain, and also visited the embassy of the brotherly country. First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva also wished strength and patience to the people of Turkey on her official Instagram page. Our people as a whole showed solidarity, aid was sent from our country to the earthquake region. Currently, the construction of a residential complex in Kahramanmaras by Azerbaijan is a continuation of this support and an example of fraternity”, the chairman of ATUC noted.

Sattar Mohbaliyev confidently stated that the achievements of Azerbaijan and Turkey will continue successfully under the wise leadership of the leaders of both countries.