“Currently, the consequences of climate change, which is one of the most urgent topics in the world, are increasing, not only people, but even all living things, the plant world are in danger. Almost every day, unexpected natural phenomena occur in different parts of the planet. Since climate change covers the whole world, in order to reduce its effects and to achieve the commitment to keep global warming at 1.5°C, it is clear that all countries should mobilize and show solidarity in the fight against climate change. Azerbaijan is among the countries that are serious about global issues such as environmental protection and elimination of the consequences of climate change, and are doing important work in this direction. Thus, the creation of “green energy” types, the goals of turning Azerbaijan into a “green growth” country, and at the same time taking voluntary obligations regarding emissions show how sensitive our state is in this matter. The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which is considered one of the largest events in the world, is an indication of Azerbaijan’s special attention to this issue.
Sahib Mammadov, chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation said these thoughts to the media.
According to him, Azerbaijan hosted this world’s prestigious event in an exemplary manner by revealing its high organizational experience: “A business-like, mutual respect-based and inclusive environment was created for the participants. Within the framework of the event, solidarity based on global challenges was praised at a high level. Azerbaijan hosted this prestigious event at a professional level, attended by 80 heads of state and government and more than 76 thousand registered participants. Their impressions of the magnificent organization of the event, the beauty of Baku, and the hospitality of our people are very proud. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the COP29 Leaders’ Summit, the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, touched upon important points and once again drew attention to the importance of our country for the world. The benefits of the mega-projects created at the initiative of Azerbaijan, which has won the trust of all its partners, are visible today and make important contributions to the energy security of the world. Also, by liberating his lands from the occupation of Armenia, he ensured the implementation of the violated principles of international law, the UN resolutions that remained on paper for 30 years, led the Non-Aligned Movement of our country with justice for 4 years, put forward new and important initiatives, and increased the authority of the institution in the world. Mr. President Ilham Aliyev showed that Azerbaijan has the ability to build bridges between different parties in the issue of climate change with accurate facts and solid arguments. Those who took a biased position, spread false and slanderous information about Azerbaijan, and voiced stupid and senseless claims such as boycotting COP29, received the answer they deserved in the speech of Mr. President.
“One of the memorable moments at COP29 was the holding of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Summit and the participation of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev in the event. The creation of such conditions in order to communicate the problems of these island states, whose rights are trampled and their voices are suppressed, to the world community is a clear example of the fair position of Azerbaijan. It is no secret that small island states are more exposed to the effects of climate change, and their voices are not heard in the world. Our Honorable President appealed to the developed countries and urged them to provide material and technical support to the small island states in the fight against climate change. Also, he once again exposed the colonial policy of countries like France and the Netherlands and trampling on the rights of those peoples. Even more terrible is the 193 nuclear tests conducted in French Polynesia, the damage it caused to the environment is not even considered. Also, the nuclear tests in Algeria at the time by France, crimes still committed in maritime territories. Indeed, states like France have no moral right to talk about human rights, democracy, climate change. What they committed are crimes against humanity and should be condemned by the world community,” said the head of the Confederation.
Sahib Mammadov emphasized that COP29 went down in history with the agreements reached on controversial and complex issues: “This shows that those who doubted that an agreement will be reached, and as always, those who spoke of double standards, were wrong this time as well. Thus, the mobilization of at least 300 billion dollars annually by 2035 will allow to support less developed countries and small island developing states. This extremely important decision is a major diplomatic success of the COP29 Presidency. The inclusion of provisions on the protection of accessibility and transparency in the document is also an indicator of justice. 10 years of Article 6 negotiations on highly integrated carbon markets within the UN have finally been resolved at COP29. Each of our citizens is proud that the discussion of the problems related to the future of humanity is being conducted in our country and important decisions are being made in our capital. We believe that these historical achievements achieved in Baku will be a great contribution to the successful implementation of the global climate agenda, to the elimination of the consequences caused by unexpected natural events, and to the fight against climate change in general.”
“COP29 also exposed hypocritical approaches, treacherous qualities, and states that intervened by implementing disruptive and destructive policies. He showed that the actions of France, Canada and other countries in this position are imitative, and in fact they create artificial obstacles to the progress of the work in this direction. It goes without saying that the Baku COP was their defeat. The grand organization of the event and the agreements reached in Baku are the worthiest response to them,” Sahib Mammadov added.