Sergius Glovascas, head for Europe and Central Asia of the ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV), visited the Academy of Labour and social relations of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation.
After getting acquainted with the higher education institution, a meeting was held with the teaching staff, students and AHIK volunteers. Acting rector of Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations Yusif Agayev gave information about the organization of the educational process at the Academy, faculties and specialties, international relations of the educational institution and brought to the attention applied innovations.
Sabina Cabarova, head of AHIK's youth, social projects and gender Affairs Department, made a presentation on the projects implemented and planned to be implemented.
Sergius Glovascas spoke about the activities of the ILO, the projects implemented jointly with AHIK, and spoke about the importance of the conventions of the organization ratified in our country.
Then Sergius Glovascas answered the students ' questions.