On November 27-28, a seminar of the International Labor Organization (ILO) was held for members of the Council of Trade Unions of Central Asia in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.
In addition to the representatives of the trade unions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia, Ilyas Aliyev, the first deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), and Fuad Alakbarov, the adviser to the ATUC chairman, also took part in the event.
The trends and challenges of labor migration, issues of social protection of labor migrants, as well as economic development and effective approaches to crisis situations were discussed at the seminar.
Experts and ILO representatives presented the main trends and challenges of labor migration in Central Asia.
Representatives of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan shared their experiences in the field of implementation of the legal framework of labor migration and social protection of labor migrants. During the discussion, attention was paid to key aspects such as fair wages, working conditions and access to social security.
Ilyas Aliyev, the first deputy chairman of the ATUC, voiced his views on the topics discussed, talked about the rights and social protection of labor migrants, and informed about the current state of labor migration in Azerbaijan.
Speaking on the second day of the seminar, Fuad Alakbarov, adviser to the chairman of the ATUC, talked about the issues of economic development and crisis resolution strategies in a crisis situation, emphasized the importance of a comprehensive approach, and noted the importance of supporting social, economic, and institutional measures.