A memorial event was held at the Nakhchivan Trade Unions Council, a member organization of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy. At the event, which was attended by the family members of the martyrs of January 20 living in the Autonomous Republic, the memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Azerbaijan was commemorated with a minute of silence and the National Anthem was played.
At the event, Chairman of the Council Gazanfar Abdullayev noted that the events of January 20 are always remembered as a heroic page in the memory and history of the Azerbaijani people. He stressed that the council always cares about the families of martyrs and treats them with special attention.
Teymur Rzayev, chairman of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Committee of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurial Workers and deputy of the Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly, said in his speech that on the night of January 20, the Azerbaijani people declared their invincibility, heroism, loyalty to the Motherland and determination to fight to the whole world. Other speakers also said that the beginning of the path of our people to freedom and victories was laid on January 20.
It should be noted that the council will provide material and moral support to the family members of the martyrs of January 20 living in Nakhchivan.