The Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK) implements a number of important activities in the international level of cooperation and trade union movements, protection of the rights of Azerbaijani workers and promoting social justice.
AHIK is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC), the General Confederation of Trade Unions (GCTU), and the Organization of Turkic States Trade Unions (OTSTU) and cooperates closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK) has established bilateral friendships with trade union centers of about 70 different countries.
The main areas of the AHIK international activities:
- Labor Rights and Social Justice: AHIK actively participates in the field of protection of labor rights in the international arena. At the same time, the Confederation participates in international meetings in order to combat violation of labor rights and ensure social justice.
- Education and training programs: AHIK participates in the various international training and educational programs to strengthen trade unions. These measures operate in the protection of labor rights, improving labor relations and develop trade unions.
- International conferences and seminars:, representing Azerbaijan at international conferences and seminars, participating in the discussion of labor rights, social security, working conditions and other important issues. Through these conferences and seminars, Azerbaijani trade unions study world experience and share their best practices with other countries.
- Humanities and Social Aid: AHIK to cooperating with international trade unions, supports the organization of humanitarian and social assistance. This covers the activities such as sending assistance to countries, especially from natural disasters.
- Global Cooperation and Development: AHIK strengthens international cooperation in order to contribute to the development of the Global Trade Union Movement and defends the principles of social justice.
The International Labor Organization (The ILO)
The International Labor Organization (ILO) was established in 1919, as part of the Versaal Peace Agreement signed at the end of World War I. Since 1946, the ILO is a UN specialized organization.
The ILO is an influential international organization that is responsible for the development and control of international labor standards and protects social economic, human and labor. Unlike other specialized institutions of the United Nations, the International Labor Organization has a triple management structure that brings together the governments, employers and employees of the state, which is a decent labor, which promote employers and employees, all women and men. Such a structure aims to ensure that all three groups are reflected in the international labor organization's labor standards, politics and programs. Representatives of both governments, employers and employees are represented in all ILO directivities and participate in the adoption of conventions and recommendations. The ILO supreme body is an International Labor Conference called once a year. The conference, which is also known as the "International Labor Parliament", adopts international regulations on the general policy, work program and budget of the International Labor Organization, as well as international regulations on the labor. These documents are in the form of conventions and recommendations. The conference also controls the compliance of the countries to the conventions.
The ILO operates through three main bodies (the International Labour Conference, the Governing Body and the Office (acting as the Secretariat), consisting of representatives of government, employers and workers.
The ILO is located in Geneva (Switzerland). The current Secretary General of the ILO is Gilbert F. Houngbo. He is the first African Secretary-General elected by the Governing Body of the ILO in March 2022. Since May 1992, the Republic of Azerbaijan is a member of the ILO.
Our country has acceded to 9 fundamental, 4 priority, and in general to 59 ILO Conventions and 1 Protocol (54 of them are currently in force Azerbaijan has ratified 59 ILOs and 1 protocol, 54 of them are valid, 3 convention and 0 protocol denunciated, and 3 documents were canceled.
Since 1997, AHIK cooperates closely with the ILO and is of great interest to mutual seminars and conferences. Since 1998, AHIK has been accredited by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan and participates with its official delegation at the ILO International Labor Conference in Geneva every year.
The Pan-European Regional Council (PERC)
The Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) is an international organization founded on March 19, 2007 in Vienna. This organization works to protect workers' rights and promote social justice in the European region and other regions. The Pan-European Regional Council covers 45 member countries of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and has 90 national centers with a total of 85 million members. The main goal of the RERC is to protect the rights of workers, promote social development and strengthen democracy.
The organization's activities are extensive and cover mainly such areas as supporting sustainable economic growth policies, combating discrimination, promoting democracy and social dialogue, organizational development and reducing the socio-economic consequences of the COVİD-19 pandemic. The PERC implements various projects in these areas in cooperation with, trade unions and other social partners.
The PERC structure consists of the various organs. The PERC structure consists of the various organs. The General Assembly is the highest governing body to meeting every 4 years shall determine the priorities of activities in the region, accepts reports and elects the leadership of the organization. The Executive Committee meets at least once a year and prepares action plans. The Steering Committee, consisting of the Secretary-General, the President and the Vice-Presidents, gathers twice a year to ensure the PERC continuity. The Secretariat coordinates the day-to-day activities of the organization and consists mainly of responsible persons appointed by the PERC Secretary-General and the ITUC Secretary General. Among the organization's offices, the PERC Secretariat is in Brussels and the PERC Southeast European Office is in Sarajevo.
The PERC consists of the leadership of the European Regional Council, President, Secretary General and Vice Presidents. At present, the President of the PERC is the chairman of CNSC Igor Zubcu. The Secretary General is also a Secretary General of the European Trade Union Esther Esther. Among the vice presidents, The President of Turkey's DISK, Arzu Çerkezoğlu, the President of Kazakhstan's FPRK, Satıbaldı Dauletalin, the Secretary for Gender Issues of Russia's KTR, Irina Gorshkova, the Vice President of Georgia's GTUC, Raisa Liparteliani, the First Secretary of Norway's LO, Culi Lodrup, the President of Poland's OPZZ, Pyotr Ostrovski, the Director of the International Department of Austria's ÖGB, Markus Stromayer, the President of Ukraine's KVPU, Mykhailo Volynets, and the Vice President of Albania's KSSH, Anisa Subashi, are also included.
The Pan European Regional Council is a crucial step to connect the Trade Union Movement at the international level, protect the rights of employees and ensure social justice. The organization also cooperates with global and regional partners and continues to maintain the interests of employees.
The Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK) is a member of the Pan European Regional Council since 2007. In the elections held on December 13, 2022, the representative of the AHIK was elected as the Chair of the Women's Committee of the PERC for the next 4-year term. In October 2024, the AHIK representative was also elected as a member of the Youth Committee of the WCL.
The International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC)
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) was established on November 1, 2006 as a result of merger of the the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).
The ITUC is an international organization that aims to defend the rights of workers in the world and promote social justice.
The basis of the organization is the ITUC charter. The ITUC activities are wide and cover various areas. These dimensions include the preparation of a new social contract, the fight against climate change, the development of economic development, protection of democracy, the promotion of the global rights index, protection of employees' rights and sustainable development.
191 million members of the International Trade Union Confederation covers 340 national centers in 169 countries. The ITUC is aimed at ensuring international cooperation between trade unions, carry out global campaigns and defend the rights and interests of the workers within the basic global institutions. Among the organization's social partners, the Global Cooperation Federations (GUFS), the Trade Union of Economic Cooperation and Development (TUAC), the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN institutions and other international organizations are included.
The structure of the International Trade Union Confederation consists of several major bodies. The Congress is a higher decision-making body of the organization and is gathered every 4 years. The congress determines the general policy and objectives of the ITUC, discussions and accepts resolutions on labor and social issues. The General Council shall monitor the implementation of decisions adopted at the congress and confirms the budget, programs and reports. The Executive Committee shall manage the organization's daily decisions. The Secretariat ensures the daily activities and implementation of the ITUC labor policy and programs. The Secretary-General is the highest official representative of the ITUC in the international arena.
There are several offices of the International Trade Union Confederation. This includes the Geneva office, the Global Union Washington Office, the South- Eastern European Regional Sarajevo Office and the Permanent Representation under the International Maritime Organization. ITUC also cooperates with various regional organizations. Among these organizations, ITUC Africa (ITUC-AFRA), ITUC ASIA-Pacific (ITUC-AP), the United States Trade Union Confederation (TUCA), Pan- Europe Regional Council (PERC) and the Arab Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC)
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC ) is a strong organization that protects the rights of workers worldwide and encourages social justice and supporting economic and social development.
Since 2001 the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (AHIK) has been a member of the ICFTU and since 2006 the ITUC. On December 3, 2024 Mr.Sahib Mammadov, the AHIK Chairman was elected a Vice President of the ITUC at the 35th ITUC General Congress in Brazil.
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) acts as a powerful organization to protect workers' rights, promote social justice and support economic and social development around the world.
The General Confederation of Trade Unions (GCTU)
The General Confederation of Trade Unions is a regional international trade union organisation founded 16 April 1992 in Moscow, Russian Federation. The founders of the organization are Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia. Then Azerbaijan (2004), Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova joined the organization.
The activities of the GCTU cover a wide range. The organization carries out activities aimed at protecting the socio-economic interests and rights of its members. To this end, cooperation and mutual assistance between trade unions is encouraged. The GCTU also plays an important role in strengthening ties with trade unions and providing mutual support in countries where member organizations operate. The organization also provides coordination of activities in the field of common interests of its members and participates in integration processes, social and labor spheres, including in the formation of the legislative framework. The GCTU is also actively involved in the preparation and presentation of joint positions at the interstate level. The organization also provides information support to member organizations, offers methodological and practical assistance and cooperates with international trade unions, specializons in the United Nations and other international organizations.
The structure of the GCTU consists of management bodies. The Congress is the highest decision-making body of the organization and is being held every 5 years. The congress has a general council to monitor the implementation of decisions. The General Council confirms the budget, software and reports. The Executive Committee manages the organization's daily activities and prepares meetings of the General Council. At present, Korchagin Alexandr Viktorovich is the chairman of the Confederation of the International Oil and Gas Trade Unions is President, the Vice Presidents are Makarov Evgeniy Ivanovich (Deputy Chairman of the Russian Independent Trade Union Federation), Rafikov Kudratulla Mersagatovic (Chairman of the Federation of the Uzbekistan Trade Unions). The Secretary General of the organization is Pinski Victor Vitalyevich. Secretary-General Deputies are Podashibyakina Natalya Dmitriyevna and Usova Margarita Ilikna.
Among the member organizations of the GCTU are the Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan, and other organizations. Since 2017, the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, since 2018, the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, since 2022, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Georgia, and since 2023, the Confederation of National Trade Unions of Moldova have withdrawn from the organization.
The GCTU also cooperates with various CIS agencies, the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Economic Union. The organization carries out various projects and initiatives to promote social and economic development in the region with these institutions, protection of employee rights and regulating labor relations.
The General Confederation of Trade Unions continues to strengthen mutual support to protect employee socio-economic interests and international cooperation between its activities and promotes international cooperation.
The Turkic Countries Trade Unions Organization (TDHİT)
The AzerbaijanTrade Unions Confederation (AHIK), the Confederation of Trade Unions Organizations of Turkey ("TÜRK-İŞ"), the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan and the Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan are among the organizations participating in the Turkic Countries Trade Unions Organization.
The date of creation of the organization began on July 29, 2023 with the signing of an agreement on the establishment in the city of Shusha. On September 22, 2023, the constituent assembly of the organization was held in Samarkand, and on November 29, 2023, the first congress was organized in Ankara.
The main goal of the the Turkic States Organization of Trade Unions is to ensure the achievement by member countries of common goals in the economic and social spheres, the protection and protection of the rights and interests of trade unions.
The main governing bodies of the organization are the Congress, the Assembly and the Control and Audit Commission. The congress is convened every 3 years, the Meeting is convened at least once a year, and the Control and Audit Commission is elected for a 3-year period.
The organization is led by the President and Vice Presidents. Currently, the position of president is held by the chairman of the Turkish confederation "TÜRK-İŞ" Ergyun Atalay, and the position of Honorary President is held by the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan Gudratulla Rafikov. And the post of Secretary General is performed by the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Dauletalin. The vice-presidents of the organization are the former chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan Emil Kizaev and the deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyar Makhmataliev.
The organization is headquartered in Ankara, Turkey.