The Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation acts on other issues regulating the protection of labor and socio-economic rights, as well as labor relations, based on the motto "Harm caused to one person is inflicted on everyone...," which is often heard by trade unions in international practice.
The work, being one of the important elements for a decent life for people, ensures not only their livelihood, but also individual development and strengthening of the foundations of society as a whole. However, not all works have a positive effect on the development of personality, profession and quality of life. Thus, only decent work and fair wages in exchange for it support a decent life.
The Article 35 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan states that "work is the basis of personal and social well-being." It is for this reason that the preamble of our Constitution proclaims the intention of the Azerbaijani people to ensure a decent standard of living for all in accordance with fair economic and social regulations. Article 12 of the Constitution states that ensuring a decent standard of living for citizens is the highest goal of the state, as a result of which the means of ensuring this goal are reflected in various articles of the Constitution. Thus, the main constitutional guarantees that ensure a decent standard of living for citizens in the field of labor relations are included in articles 35 (Labor law) and 58 (Right to association). Article 58 established that everyone has the right to form or join any association, including political parties, trade unions and other public associations, in order to ensure that workers are organized in a movement for their rights and properly defend their legitimate interests.
Furthermore, the Article 19 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan specifies that a trade union organization can be created on the basis of the principles of voluntariness, without prior permission from the employer, without any differences between employees. These organizations, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Trade Unions," the current labor legislation, as well as the General Declaration of Human Rights, conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization, the European Social Charter, operate in our republic to protect labor, social, economic rights and legitimate interests of their members.
Relevant links:
Convention No. 129" on inspection of labor in Agriculture " of the International Labor Organization
Convention No. 185 “on identity documents of sailors” of the International Labor Organization
Convention No. 155 “on Occupational Safety and hygiene” of the International Labor Organization
Convention of the International Labor Organization “on paid vacations” (revised in 1970) No. 132
Convention No. 105" on the abolition of compulsory labor " of the International Labor Organization
→ For your application for labor rights