The trade union named after local industrial and communal enterprises was established at the II All-Russian Congress held in August 1920 and was called the trade union of communal economy workers of the Baku province. Starting from the beginning of the last century, during this long period, the sectoral trade union has undergone all kinds of economic reforms. After the Republic of Azerbaijan gained independence, as a result of the economic, social and political reforms taking place in the country, structural changes were also made in the sectoral trade union that met modern requirements. Since 1993, the sectoral trade union has started to operate within the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation.
It unites employees of enterprises that provide electricity, heating, green care, sanitation and landscaping services to the population as a life-sustaining sector. The committee unites 174 trade union organizations and has 21227 members.
The supreme body of the sectoral trade union is the congress. In the period between congresses, the governing body of the trade union is the Assembly. The Assembly is elected by the Congress or formed by direct equal representation of each trade union organization. In the period between congresses, the activities of the trade union are managed by the Presidium.
Open to initiative and innovation, the sectoral trade union has been a member of the International Trade Union Confederations PSI, EPSU and IndustriALL Global Union since 1997. In addition to international sectoral trade unions, bilateral agreements have been concluded with the Turkish “Hizmet-İş” Union and the “Hak-İş” Confederation, as well as with sectoral trade unions in countries such as Uzbekistan, Georgia, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
Address: Baku city, AZ 1130, Azadlig avenue, 181
Contact number: (+99412) 563 13 37 / 563 05 07