The Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Electroenergetics and Electrotechnical Industry Workers' Trade Union was established in 1917. The Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Power Plants and Electrical Industry Workers' Trade Union was established in 1931. On January 30, 2003, at the 16th Conference of the Azerbaijan Power Plants and Electrical Industry Workers' Trade Union, a new version of the Charter was adopted, and the organization was renamed the "Azerbaijan Electric Power and Electrical Engineering Industry Workers' Trade Union". It combines employees working in the area of electroenergetics and electrotechnical industries. The committee includes 36 first unions and has 8,117 members.
The supreme body of the Azerbaijan Electric Power and Electrotechnical Industry Workers' Trade Union is the conference. The conference determines the main directions of the sectoral trade union's activities.
Sectoral trade union is a member of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, IndustriAll Global Union of processing industry workers and International Union of Trade Unions.