The Azerbaijan Metalworkers Trade Unions Federation established in 1996, includes mining, metallurgical, logistics, heavy and general machine-building, instrument-making, radio-electronic, automobile and agricultural machine-building and other relevant industry workers. The first trade union organizations at their meetings (conferences) choose a trade union committee. One of the members of the trade union committee is appointed by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Federation, taking into account the opinion of the members of the trade union committee.
The Chairman of the Trade Union Committee is also a representative of the Federation. The last congress of the Federation was convened in April 2024. In the inter-entry period, the activities of the Federation are headed by the Central Committee, which meets at least 1 times a year. The Executive Committee was elected from among the members of the Central Committee to promptly manage the activities of the Federation.
The Federation builds its activities in the areas determined by the program document adopted by the IV Congress. The principle of operation of the Federation is based on collective bargaining and agreements.
The Federation has 1 Collective Tariff Agreement, and in the first organizations - Collective Agreements. Union membership dues focus on the Federation's single account.
Funds are allocated to primary organizations from a single account in accordance with estimates approved by the Executive Committee of the Federation.
The Federation has a permanent seminar on educating trade union activists. The Federation actively cooperates with the Eurasian International Federation of Metals.