Agricultural and Food Industry Workers' Trade Union


In 1906, a trade union organization was established in Baku, uniting 230 members of the Food Producers' Union.

In 1917, trade unions of Millers, Tobacconists, Beer and Kvass Producers, Bakers and Confectioners operated in the city of Baku.

On June 5, 1920, the trade union organizations of Food Producers, Millers, Tobacconists, Brewers and Kvass Producers; Bakers and Confectioners merged to create the following Sectoral Trade Unions: - Food Industry Workers; - Tobacconists; - Agricultural and Forestry Workers.

In 1953, the sectoral trade unions existing in the agricultural sector in the republic merged to create two sectoral trade unions: the Agricultural and Supply Workers' Union and the Food Industry Workers' Union.

In 1986, The Agrarian Industrial Complex Workers Trade Union was renamed in 1991, The Azerbaijan Agrarian Industrial Complex Workers Trade Union and since 2000, the Agriculture and Food Industry Trade Workers Union.

It includes employees in the public and private sectors operating in agriculture, land reclamation and water, food, tobacco, tea, winemaking, and related sectors.

The committee includes 250 trade union organizations, including 34 city and district committees, and has 27864 members. The supreme body of the sectoral trade union is the congress, which is convened once every five years.

In the period between congresses, the governing body of the trade union is the Assembly of the sectoral trade union. The Assembly elects the Executive Committee of the sectoral trade union to organize and conduct current affairs and to carry out its Charter functions. Meetings of the Executive Committee are convened, when necessary, but not later than once every three months.

The union is a member of the International Union of tobacco industry, agriculture and related industry workers. The federation has implemented 3 projects together with this International Union.

The union managed to establish close relations with trade unions of Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Uzbekistan.

In order to support the solution of similar problems faced by trade unions operating in the Eurasian region in the field of protecting the legal rights of workers, ensuring the principles of decent work, free, democratic social justice, to organize mutual cooperation and exchange of experience in the process of negotiations with transnational companies located in the region, 12 countries of the region: (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Romania, Montenegro, Sarajevo, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Central Asia, Georgian Republics) one of the initiators of the creation of the Eurasian Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism Workers Trade Union Federation by uniting trade unions is the “Kand-Gida-Ish” Trade Union.


Address: Baku City, AZ 1130, Azadlig Avenue, 181

Contact number: (+99412) 563 17 12