Elected bodies of AHIK

The Congress

The Supreme Body of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (the ATUC) is the Congress, which is convened by the Assembly no later than once every seven years. The Congress is considered authorized if at least two-thirds of the elected representatives from the member organizations are present. Decisions of the Congress are made by simple majority. The working order of the congress is determined by its representatives.

The Assembly

It is the executive-ordering body of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (the ATUC) during the intersessional period of the Assembly to consisting the ATUC Chairman, his Deputies and one Authorized Representative of each Member Organization. Meetings of the Executive Committee are held when necessary, but not less than once a quarter. Meetings of the Executive Committee are considered authoritative when more than half of its members are present, and decisions are made by simple majority.

The Executive Committee

The Supreme Body of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (the ATUC) during the inter-congress period is the Assembly, which was established on the principle of direct and equal number of representatives sent by all member organizations. Each member organization sends 5 members to the Assembly by being elected at their congresses (conferences) or plenums. Meetings of the assembly are convened when necessary, but not less than once a year or at the request of one third of the member organizations. The chairman of the confederation and his deputies are members of the Assembly and report to the Assembly. Meetings of the Majlis are considered authorized with the participation of more than half of the members of the Majlis. Decisions of the assembly are adopted by a simple majority of votes. Voting rules are determined by the Assembly, except for the cases provided for in this Charter.