A conference dedicated to the World Decent Labor Day was held


A conference dedicated to the World Decent Labor Day was held under the organization of the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture. The purpose of the event organized in Lerik region is to educate people working in the agricultural field, to apply decent and productive work in conditions of equality and safety.

Javanshir Alkhasov, Deputy Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, Fuad Mammadov, Chairman of the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, gave a speech and gave extensive information about the norms and standards applied in the process of labor organization in our country, and the existing legislative framework in this field.

Speaking at the event, the head of Lerik district executive power, Akbar Abbasov, the head of the education sector of the Ministry of Agriculture, Emin Aliyev, said that decent work is a social concept accepted at the international level. This term includes concepts such as efficient work, labor safety, and social protection of employees. The main goal of decent work is to ensure social integration and equal work opportunities between men and women.

In the panel sessions held within the conference, “Decent work and economic growth as an aspect of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”, “Expanding the capacity of trade unions for effective participation in programs and processes on sustainable development of the International Labor Organization”, “Labor safety of workers in the field of agricultural services”, “Climate speeches were heard on the topics of fight against changes, protection of the soil ecosystem.

At the end of the conference, a number of organizations were awarded by the United Trade Union Committee.