Armenia will not be able to achieve anything with its ugly military provocations


“The Armenian side, continuing its aggressive policy, committed large-scale provocations on the state border starting at night on September 12. This is a gross violation of the norms and principles of international law, the tripartite statements signed between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, as well as other agreements reached. It seems clear that Armenia is busy disrupting Azerbaijan’s efforts towards the normalization of relations, and is trying to hinder the steps taken towards peace with various provocations.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, deputy of the Milli Majlis, said these thoughts to the media.

According to him, the recent placing of mines in Lachin and other areas, increasing militarization along the state border, as well as the failure to remove Armenian armed forces from the territory of Azerbaijan, are steps calculated to increase the tension, and Armenia is trying to block negotiations with these types of actions: is a continuation. Of course, it is the sovereign right of Azerbaijan to respond to such actions of the aggressor state, to destroy the legitimate targets that pose a threat, and to protect the security of its territory.”

“The Armenian side, including the deranged revanchist forces, still do not understand that they will not be able to achieve anything with their provocations. In front of them is a strong and invincible army, which destroyed the invading armies two years ago. Therefore, they should come to terms with reality, stop such provocations, and respond to Azerbaijan’s peace efforts. This is their only way out,” said the MP of Milli Majlis.