The visit of our head of state to Italy will raise the relations between the two countries to a new level


“It is known that the global level initiatives put forward by President Ilham Aliyev at the high rostrum of international organizations are welcomed and supported at a high level by the international world. Having deep and comprehensive knowledge and high political culture, Mr. Ilham Aliyev successfully represents and defends the interests of Azerbaijan in globalization and integration processes, international meetings and high-level negotiations as a leader with great respect and authority in the world. We can proudly say that the head of our state is recognized in the world as a leader with deep analytical thinking and political will. His determination and diplomatic skills have made him one of the world’s most influential political leaders. Therefore, the personality of the President of Azerbaijan is accepted with respect at the international level today. It is not accidental, the view and attitude of the head of state is one of the carefully watched moments of every international event. It is as a result of this that Azerbaijan’s role and reputation in solving international and regional problems is increasing. In this regard, the President of Italy, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, attended the 48th International Chernobyl Forum held by “The European House – Ambrosetti” think tank in Chernobyl, Italy on the theme “View of the World, Europe and Italy” and “Today’s and Tomorrow’s Scenario for Competitive Strategies”. , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy Mario Draghi, as well as being invited by the think tank as the main guest, not only reflects Azerbaijan’s strengthening positions at the international level, but also shows the personal authority of our head of state.” attitude is one of the carefully watched moments of every international event. It is as a result of this that Azerbaijan’s role and reputation in solving international and regional problems is increasing. In this regard, the President of Italy, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, attended the 48th International Chernobyl Forum held by “The European House – Ambrosetti” think tank in Chernobyl, Italy on the theme “View of the World, Europe and Italy” and “Today’s and Tomorrow’s Scenario for Competitive Strategies”. , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy Mario Draghi, as well as being invited by the think tank as the main guest, not only reflects Azerbaijan’s strengthening positions at the international level, but also shows the personal authority of our head of state.” attitude is one of the carefully watched moments of every international event. It is as a result of this that Azerbaijan’s role and reputation in solving international and regional problems is increasing. In this regard, the President of Italy, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, attended the 48th International Chernobyl Forum held by “The European House – Ambrosetti” think tank in Chernobyl, Italy on the theme “View of the World, Europe and Italy” and “Today’s and Tomorrow’s Scenario for Competitive Strategies”. , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy Mario Draghi, as well as being invited by the think tank as the main guest, not only reflects Azerbaijan’s strengthening positions at the international level, but also shows the personal authority of our head of state.” It is as a result of this that Azerbaijan’s role and reputation in solving international and regional problems is increasing. In this regard, the President of Italy, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, attended the 48th International Chernobyl Forum held by “The European House – Ambrosetti” think tank in Chernobyl, Italy on the theme “View of the World, Europe and Italy” and “Today’s and Tomorrow’s Scenario for Competitive Strategies”. , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy Mario Draghi, as well as being invited by the think tank as the main guest, not only reflects Azerbaijan’s strengthening positions at the international level, but also shows the personal authority of our head of state.” It is as a result of this that Azerbaijan’s role and reputation in solving international and regional problems is increasing. In this regard, the President of Italy, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, attended the 48th International Chernobyl Forum held by “The European House – Ambrosetti” think tank in Chernobyl, Italy on the theme “View of the World, Europe and Italy” and “Today’s and Tomorrow’s Scenario for Competitive Strategies”. , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy Mario Draghi, as well as being invited by the think tank as the main guest, not only reflects Azerbaijan’s strengthening positions at the international level, but also shows the personal authority of our head of state.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, deputy of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views in a press release.

President Ilham Aliyev gave a speech on the topic “Azerbaijan’s role in ensuring energy security” at the plenary session of the 48th International Chernobyl Forum and explained more clearly the importance and role of our country in this field. As we know, Azerbaijan is currently in the center of attention due to the role it plays in the energy security of the world, including Europe. As recognized by the international world, our country has already become the energy center of the region. Now, the potential of Azerbaijan in overcoming the crisis in this direction is highly valued in the world. All this is the most obvious indicator of the successful energy policy implemented by the head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev. By the way, the importance of the Southern Gas Corridor in the energy supply of Europe at a time of energy crisis is very great. Let me also mention that the realization of this project reveals the strength and power of our country once again. In the successful implementation of the project, Azerbaijan performs its duties in an exemplary manner, always shows loyalty to its obligations and is appreciated by the countries of the world as a reliable partner,” said the deputy.

The chairman of ATUC noted that today Azerbaijan-Italy relations are developing in many areas based on mutual respect and high trust: “I am sure that the visit of President Ilham Aliyev to this country will be effective in terms of the development and expansion of our relations. Over the past year and a half, Azerbaijan has transported 13.5 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe, of which 11.7 billion cubic meters belongs to Italy. Of course, this is a high indicator in a short period of time. The head of our state emphasized that it is planned to increase the volume and transport 10 billion cubic meters of gas to the Italian market this year. This once again confirms the growing role of our state in this direction and creates fertile conditions for the further development of our relations.”

“I would like to emphasize the importance of education in terms of expanding our relations. During the visit, this issue was also in focus. I believe that ADA University and the five leading Italian higher education institutions – Luiss Guido Carli University, Sapienza University of Rome, Polytechnic University of Turin, Alma Mater University of Bologna and Milan Polytechnic University in connection with defining the cooperation framework for Italy-Azerbaijani University, creating faculties and programs The signing of the Agreement on academic cooperation between the two countries will ensure the dynamic development of our relations in this field as well, and will strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries,” the ATUC chairman emphasized.

“Within the visit, President Ilham Aliyev informed the local newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” about the rightful position of Azerbaijan, the winning country, the negotiations conducted in terms of the development of the situation in the region towards peace, and the work done in the direction of creating infrastructure in the territories of Azerbaijan freed from the occupation of Armenia. I would like to note that the unchangeable realities that Azerbaijan has created by resolving the Karabakh conflict are fully in line with the interests of all parties. We see this clearly from the behavior of the international organizations and the states that react to the situation. By putting an end to the occupation, Azerbaijan removed the region from the dirt created by Armenia and directed it to the path of rapid development. This meets the political and economic interests of the countries of the region as a whole. It is known that All negotiations for the signing of the peace agreement are conducted within the framework of Azerbaijan’s national interests and on the basis of the proposals put forward. The main point in the 5 proposals put forward by our state is the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Defeated Armenia has to agree with the political decisions of the President of Azerbaijan. Because today the Victorious Commander Mr. Ilham Aliyev is dictating in the region”, S. Mohbaliyev added.