The Ministry of Agriculture and the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry awarded farmers and mechanics who distinguished themselves in grain harvesting


On the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Committee of the United Trade Union Organization, a regional meeting was held in Shaki, the country’s largest grain-growing region, on the topic “Current situation in grain-growing and future tasks”. About 300 farmers from Gabala, Oguz, Gakh, Zagatala and Balakan regions participated in the meeting.

Speaking at the event, the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rafail Guliyev, said that special attention is paid to the development of grain farming, as well as all areas of agriculture in the country. Grain crops are subsidized, state support mechanisms for this field are expanded, appropriate measures are taken to increase productivity and increase the income of grain farmers.

At the meeting, taking into account soil and climate characteristics, timely plowing of cultivated fields, maximum protection of moisture in the soil, correct seed selection, timely and correct implementation of agrotechnical maintenance rules, inclusion of autumn sowing declarations in the Electronic Agricultural Information System by December 31, and other topics were discussed. were exchanged, the questions of interest to farmers were answered, and the voiced proposals were recorded.

Fuad Mammadov, chairman of the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that the duties assigned to the trade union organization in protecting the rights of workers, improving their social conditions, protecting their health and organizing their rest will be properly fulfilled from now on. The speakers wished success to the farmers in their future activities.

Later, in the 2021-2022 grain season, farmers and mechanics who achieved high productivity and distinguished themselves in the harvesting process were awarded with diplomas.