The next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan was held


Opening the meeting with an introductory speech, the chairman of ATUC, Sattar Mohbaliyev, first informed about the issues on the agenda. The first issue was about the work plan of the Executive Committee and its staff of the AHIK for the second half of 2022. That issue was discussed, voted on and accepted. Then discussions were held on five other issues on the agenda. To the Annex No. 2 of the AHCI dated November 25, 2009 (protocol 6b.32a) on making changes in the composition of the Assembly of the ATUC, on ​​holding the Republican competition with the motto “The best enterprise (organization) of the year for the creation of healthy and safe working conditions” about making changes in the composition of the relevant commission, about the Memorandum between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions on cooperation in the field of assistance in the organization of self-employment of vulnerable population groups, between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan and the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions issues of the Memorandum on cooperation in the field of providing assistance to the organization of self-employment of population groups were also discussed and accepted.

Then there was an exchange of views on current issues. After all the issues on the agenda were accepted, the chairman of ATUC, Sattar Mohbaliyev, spoke about his visits to the sanatorium-resort establishments belonging to trade unions located in Nabran settlement of Khachmaz district and Gusar district, as well as in Baku and Absheron. He noted that protection and strengthening of workers’ health, organization of their treatment is one of the main functions of Azerbaijani trade unions. We do our best to ensure the recreation and health of our members at a high level. The chairman noted that the country’s president, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and First Vice-President, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, always pay attention and care to the families of martyrs, veterans, and veterans, and recommend that all opportunities be mobilized to protect their standard of living and health.

The trade unions of Azerbaijan are always sensitive to this issue and always try to support the reforms carried out in the social field in the country. The chairman of ATUC, Sattar Mohbaliyev, noted that during the meetings with those treated in sanatoriums, the patients expressed their satisfaction with the attention and care provided to them.

The chairman once again gave his recommendations and tasks and noted that all opportunities and the current situation should be analyzed for the further improvement of people’s rest and treatment, and any problems or difficulties encountered should be eliminated immediately.


Press and public relations department of ATUC