We are sure that all the forces behind the provocation and participating in its organization will receive the punishment they deserve


“Everyone knows that representatives of all nations and religions live in peaceful and friendly conditions in Azerbaijan. Our country has always demonstrated the loyalty of all religions, including Islam, to the principles of humanism and equality, and even in the most difficult times, various religious holidays and special days were celebrated at a high level, and religious rituals were performed. For hundreds of years, Azerbaijan, where members of different nations and religions live as a friendly family, has an exemplary environment of coexistence based on mutual respect and trust, and ethnic-cultural diversity is preserved. These aspects recognize Azerbaijan as one of the exemplary places of tolerance and multiculturalism in the world. “Representatives of various religious confessions and sects have always expressed their satisfaction with the conditions in our country.”

Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said this in his press release.

According to him, there have always been some radical groups who call themselves religious and try to tarnish Islam, they target our country in this direction and try to create discord: “On August 4, the act of aggression committed in the building of the embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also like this. Of course, this is a pre-planned, political act of terrorism and vandalism. Those forces hiding under the veil of religion are trying to overshadow the international reputation of our country and its achievements. It is known that such forces do not have any social base in Azerbaijan, so they resort to such provocations in foreign countries and try to discredit our country.”

The chairman of AHIK expressed confidence that the British government will take necessary measures in this regard, and all the forces behind the provocation and participating in its organization will receive the punishment they deserve.