International seminar on forced labour organized by ATUC


On August 2, Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) organized a hybrid format seminar on “application of international labour standards on the 105th, 29th conventions of the International Labour Organization and at the same time the 29th protocol, the control mechanism of the International Labour Organization, as well as the role of trade unions in supporting the ratification of conventions and protocols”.

At the seminar Ilyas Aliyev, Ilyas Aliyev, Deputy Chairman of the International Labor Organization (ILO), Gocha Alexandria, Chief Specialist of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Moscow Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Miranda Facerman, Senior Specialist of the ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Miranda Facerman, ILO’s National Representative for Azerbaijan coordinator Yashar Hamzayev, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, representatives of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other representatives participated.

Speaking at the opening of the seminar, ATUC deputy chairman Ilyas Aliyev spoke about the global problem of forced labor, its violation of the rights of millions of people, especially in the private sector, as well as methods and means of combating all forms of forced labor.

He said that all human rights violations are under constant control of the government, ATUC, as well as employers.

Deputy chairman of ATUC stressed that, together with social partners, we plan to carry out work to inform the public about compulsory labor risk, to provide illegal migrants with alternative local income opportunities and skills, to educate employees on their rights and implementation of strict laws. All this increases the possibilities of achieving the abolition of compulsory labor.

Then Namig Huseynov, head of analytical research department on cultural and domestic problems of workers of ATUC, made a speech on “the results of the Committee on the application of Standards and the position of ATUC on the application of the 105th convention by Azerbaijan”.

Other speakers-Q.Alexander, M.Facerman and others spoke about the protection of the rights of victims of forced labor, the absolute compensation of damage caused to them, the organization of educational work, the strengthening of the work of labor inspectorate services in this area, as well as the need to eliminate the main causes and factors that increase the risks of forced labor.

Press and public relations department of AHIK