AHIK held an event on the occasion of National Press and Journalism Day


Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) held a meeting with journalists on the occasion of July 22 – National Press and Journalism Day.

The event was attended by the heads of mass media operating in our country and well-known journalists.

First, the dear memory of our sons and daughters, who were martyred in the success of the Motherland, was commemorated with a minute’s silence.

Akif Tavakkuloglu, the head of the press and public relations department of the Confederation, who conveyed the congratulations of the chairman of ATUC Sattar Mohbaliyev, spoke about the history of the development of the Azerbaijani press. He said that although only 56 issues of the “Akinchi” newspaper, which was published under the editorship of the great Azerbaijani intellectual Hasan Bey Zardabi, were published from July 22, 1875 to September 1877, it had an invaluable role in the creation and formation of the Azerbaijani national press. was of great importance in the national awakening of our people and strengthening of national unity.

According to him, although it operated under the strong influence of communist ideology during the Soviet rule, the Azerbaijani press managed to maintain its national identity and was actively represented in the social and political life of the republic.

Talking about the care shown by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and the head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev to the development of the press, the head of the department said that the pluralism of the press and speech is fully ensured in our country.

A.Tavakkuloglu noted that the development of information technologies in the modern era has made the Azerbaijani press a part of the global information network, and our country has a multifaceted press and information system that can compete with the world’s leading and advanced mass media.

Baradar Khanaliyev, editor-in-chief of “Atribut” newspaper, employee of “Xalq” newspaper, Honored journalist Tahir Aydinoglu and others spoke about the ways of the creation and development of the national press, the freedom of press and speech in our country, and the development of free press by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and our honorable President Ilham Aliyev. they spoke about the important steps taken by the government, the state’s concern for this field and highly appreciated the effective cooperation of ATUC with the media.


Later, a reception was organized for journalists.