There is an unbreakable unity of the people and the army in Azerbaijan


“The heroism of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan will always be remembered. They changed the course of history by successfully completing a major mission, overturning false predictions and false ideas about the resolution of the conflict. The conflict, which the world discussed and analysed for almost 30 years, ended in just 44 days, the statement of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, one of the greatest commanders in the glorious history of Azerbaijan, “Karabakh is Azerbaijan!” became a reality. They proved at the cost of their lives and blood on the battlefield that no force can stand up to our Armed Forces for the execution of this order. If you remember, during the war and after it, the military tactics of the Azerbaijan Army were widely analysed and highly evaluated in the world press and analytical publications. Currently, this tactic is considered a novelty in the military history of the world and is included in textbooks. This once again shows that the Azerbaijani soldier left a great school of heroism to future generations by writing his name in golden letters on the pages of history. They showed both enemies and future generations how to respond to treacherous views and dirty intentions directed at our Motherland.”

This opinion was expressed in a press release by the Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

“We can proudly say that today the Azerbaijani Army is among the 50 strongest armies in the world, and significant steps are being taken by Mr. President to further strengthen our Army. Material and technical equipment is regularly updated, modern infrastructure is created, and reforms are carried out. Various types of military equipment, armoured vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, firearms are produced at the expense of the continuously formed and developing military industry, contracts are signed with a number of countries on the purchase of weapons and military equipment and the production of military products. Also, military exercises are regularly held in order to increase combat capability. A more successful step is the creation, by order of the President, of a new specialized Commando Brigade, which adds new strength to the strength of our invincible Army and increases its potential.” said the Chairman of ATUC.

“Our state always pays special attention and care to military personnel; important steps are being taken to strengthen their social protection and improve housing provision. Also, the establishment of orders and medals on the occasion of the historic Victory at the initiative of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev is a manifestation of the highest attention shown to our heroic soldiers. Today, the unity of the people and the army is at the highest level in our country. During the Patriotic War, the heart of every representative of our nation beat together with our soldiers. It was this unity that gave a new spirit to our heroic soldiers and led them to victory. This union with indestructible power is the main guarantor of our future success. The attitude of our people to the Armed Forces Day, the fact that they celebrate this significant day with great joy and enthusiasm is proof of what we have said,” added the member of the Milli Majlis.