The Great Leader’s source of inspiration has always been the people of Azerbaijan


“Today, when we compare our country, which we are proud of every success, with Azerbaijan of the 90s of the last century, we have to remember once again how great things Great Leader Heydar Aliyev did in the life of our nation and our state.We deeply understand his identity, phenomenon, genius, competence, and political skills as we experience the results of the works he laid the foundation for. At that time – the events that happened in 1993, the difficult fate of our people and our state, and finding a way out of it, making the right decision was the most important issue. Our people did not leave this fateful choice to anyone, Heydar Aliyev had the last word. And the subsequent course of events revealed the wisdom of the Azerbaijani people once again. Of course, no force could stand in front of this desire of the people. At that time, today’s mighty Azerbaijan was in danger of destruction, it was a reality that the country was disintegrating. Deep political crisis, anarchy, chaos, the threat of civil war, conflict, defeats at the front, the severity of the social situation of the population, economic crisis and more. Only one person was able to cope with all these tasks – Heydar Aliyev.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to the press.

“From the first day – June 15, 1993, the Great Leader’s rescue mission began. He had neither a team nor a weapon. His endless love for his people and state, the people’s trust and confidence in him helped him to do all these things. Each of the unpleasant events that happened had different characters, and their elimination required courage, political will, determination, restraint, endurance, and patience. Having these qualities of the Great Leader saved our people from the difficult situation. I have touched on this issue before, the neutralization of independent armed groups and the establishment of stability in the country was a great historical mission. Heydar Aliyev managed to do this without any loss, with great skill and genius, and achieved stability in the country. He was a great politician with a global mind and broad outlook. He was always based on national interests, drew correct conclusions from historical circumstances, accurately assessed time and space factors. Heydar Aliyev was a democratic person, he always preferred the principle of openness. At that time, it was on his initiative that meetings of the Milli Majlis, press conferences, deliberations of republican importance were directly broadcasted on television screens, and the situation was conveyed to the people as it was. On June 24, 1993, the transfer of presidential powers to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Heydar Aliyev, was a direct victory of justice and national will. This already meant that all events were brought under the control of the state and submitted to the will of the people. During the time when the Great Leader headed the Supreme Soviet, important decisions were made in the field of army building, the Constitution and various legal documents were adapted to the requirements of the time,” said the chairman of the ATUC.

“The personality of the National Leader, his unique political management ability, charisma, determination, and foresight put an end to the crisis, and our people united around the ideas of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijaniism. Thanks to the wisdom and determination of the national leader, Azerbaijan began to develop as an independent, democratic, legal and secular state. The problems facing the republic were solved in stages, peace and political stability were established. A fundamental change has begun in socio-political, socio-economic, scientific and cultural life, the integrity, solidarity, and national unity of our people have been ensured. Heydar Aliyev’s genius fulfilled all these issues that I mentioned on his own, inspired by the people.

We can say with certainty that the ideas of the Great Leader will always live. Its results are evident today. Thanks to the professional management skills of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, a worthy follower of Heydar Aliyev’s political course, rapid development has been achieved in all areas of our country, and people’s well-being has improved even more. The political and economic opportunities of Azerbaijan have been expanded, the positions of our country in the international arena have been strengthened, and most importantly, our territorial integrity, which has been broken for 30 years, has been restored. Today, all international, large-scale projects implemented in the region are implemented with the participation of Azerbaijan and taking national interests into account. We cannot stop counting the achievements of Azerbaijan in recent years. I can summarize and say that Azerbaijan is living the most glorious and honorable period of its history, which is based on millennia”, the MP said.