An international seminar on forced labor was organized by the ATUC


A hybrid seminar on “The role of trade unions in implementing the requirements of ILO Conventions 29 and 105” was organized by the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) on May 19.

ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev, Sector Director of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) European Bureau for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Sergiyus Glovaskas, ILO Moscow Specialist for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Kocha Alexandria, ILO National Coordinator for Azerbaijan Yashar Hamzayev, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and others attended.

Speaking at the opening of the seminar, Sergiyus Glovaskas, Sector Director of the ILO, spoke about the global problem of forced labor, which violates the rights of millions of people, especially in the private sector, poverty, and ways and means to combat all forms of forced labor.

In his report, ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev spoke about the implementation of ILO Convention No. 105 on the Abolition of Forced Labor by Azerbaijan and the role of trade unions in the fight against forced labor in our country. He said that the Azerbaijani government and all interested institutions of the country pay great attention to the implementation of Convention No. 105, taking into account these commitments, national labor legislation is formed and improved in accordance with international standards.

According to him, forced labor cases in Azerbaijan have not been detected in the workplaces of trade unions, and the ATUC has not received any serious information, appeals and complaints, and all violations of labor relations are under the constant control of the government, ATUC and employers.

S.Mohbaliyev noted that the successful program of socio-economic reforms implemented in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev is highly valued at the international level: “Azerbaijan’s election to the ILO governing body is a sign of this.

So far, our country has joined 58 ILO conventions. Taking into account the obligations arising from these documents, our national labor legislation is harmonized with international standards and norms. “Azerbaijani trade unions always pay great attention to the observance of the basic principles and rights of the provisions of the ILO conventions, take an active part in the adoption of legislation in the field of labor, social and economic, expressing opinions and suggestions in the examination of laws.”

The chairman of the Confederation emphasized that the ATUC closely cooperates with the legislative bodies of the country against compulsory labor, makes proposals for changes and additions to the labour legislation. He also added that the general collective agreement signed with the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Confederation of entrepreneurs (employers) organizations of Azerbaijan envisages supporting state social programs ensuring the elimination of child labor, compulsory labor and human trafficking, regulating labour migration, and organizing joint monitoring”.

S.Mohbaliyev put forward concrete proposals against forced labor: “if we, together with our social partners, sufficiently inform the public about the risk of forced labor, provide illegal migrants with alternative local income opportunities and skills, educate workers on their rights and the implementation of strict laws, we can achieve the abolition of forced labor.

Other speakers spoke about the protection of the rights of persons who are victims of forced labor, the absolute compensation for the damage caused to them, the organization of educational work, the strengthening of the work of labor inspectorate services in this area, as well as the need to eliminate the main reasons and factors that increase the risks of forced labor.

It should be noted that at the seminar, which will cover two days (19-20 may), reports will be heard on the role of trade unions in the fight against forced labor, activities and legal awareness events, implementation of ILO Conventions No. 29 and 105 in Azerbaijan.



                                                  ATUC Press and Public Relations Department