ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev attended the event on the occasion of Entrepreneurs’ Day


On April 25, a conference on ‘The role of entrepreneurship in economic development’ dedicated to the Entrepreneurs’ Day was held with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBİA), and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by Ministers of Economy, Labour and Social Protection of Population, members of the Milli Majlis (Parliament), representatives of relevant government agencies, public associations of entrepreneurs, as well as entrepreneurs operating in various fields.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev, who took part in the event, spoke about the establishment of proper relations between entrepreneurs and employees, its positive impact on entrepreneurship:

“As a result of large-scale work, systematic and consistent measures, deep reforms done by President Ilham Aliyev, our country has achieved its pre-defined goals in all areas. We can proudly say that our country is experiencing the highest stage of its development, which makes every citizen proud. The concept of socio-economic development of the regions, which led to the progress of all regions of our country, plays an important role in the realization of renewal, sustainable development, socio-economic balance, modern reforms and other systemic goals. The development of entrepreneurship and the creation of a favorable business environment are at the center of our country’s economic development strategy. Consistent and purposeful measures are being taken in this direction on a regular basis. As a result, today entrepreneurship is a key driver of the country’s economy”.

According to S. Mohbaliyev, currently there is a dynamic development in the economy of Azerbaijan:“According to statistics, our economy grew by 6.8 percent, which is a great achievement. In the non-oil sector, this growth exceeds 10 percent. The growth in industrial production is about 4 percent, and in non-oil industrial production more than 18 percent. Our foreign trade turnover has increased by more than 60 percent. Our exports have almost doubled, and our non-oil exports have increased by 45 percent”.

The chairman of ATUC noted that the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, while paying attention to the protection of socio-economic rights of workers and the solution of social problems, is taking a number of steps to ensure the employment of vulnerable population groups: “In order to ensure more active participation of the population in the socio-economic development of our country, increase the employment of people with disabilities, low-income families, unemployed and job seeker, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population and Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation. The Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation always pays great attention to the development of small and medium-sized businesses.Collective agreements concluded on the ground control the reflection of such issues, timely and efficient solution of emerging problems.  In this case, the presence of social partners is ensured.”

S.Mohbaliyev added that new jobs are being created in Azerbaijan: “Our goal is to provide employees with occupational safety and a decent salary. In Azerbaijan, 75-80% of state budget revenues are generated by the private sector. The growth of the private sector also stimulates the development of trade unions. Our primary demand is to create decent jobs. There is progress in the country regarding occupational safety and decent wages. Azerbaijan ranks high among the CIS countries in raising the minimum wage”.

ATUC Press and Public Relations Department