A knowledge contest was held on the occasion of the 99the anniversary of the Great Leader


On May 10, the “Intelligence” intellectual knowledge contest was held on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the national leader of our people, genius, world-famous political figure Heydar Aliyev.

The purpose of the competition, organized by the Joint Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, is to stimulate the intellectual level, worldview, intellectual development of agricultural workers, increase their knowledge and scientific reputation and strengthen the sense of patriotism. 14 teams consisting of 6 people working in the structures of MA competed in the competition. The purpose of the competition organized by the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture is to stimulate intellectual level, world view, mental development of agrarian workers, increase their knowledge and scientific reputation and strengthen their patriotic feeling. 6 teams consisting of 14 members of the MA organizations competed in the competition. In the intense and interesting competition, the team of the Ministry’s Livestock Research Institute won I place, the team of agro procurement and supply ASC took II place, the team of Azeraqrar state production and processing Union took III place.

Speaking at the awarding ceremony, Fuad Mammadov, Chairman of the TUCMA, spoke about the life and work of the Great Leader, drawing attention to his unparalleled services to the life of the Azerbaijani people. Then the chairman of the Committee said that this knowledge contest, which was held for the first time among agricultural workers, will be continued.

In his speech, Ilham Suleymanov, Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry, recalled the work done by the Great Leader in the field of agriculture and the reforms he implemented, noting that his memory is dear to everyone. He stressed the importance of the knowledge contest, which served to strengthen relations between the institutions. At the end, the winners were presented with valuable gifts.


ATUC Press and Public Relations Department