Relations between the Azerbaijani and Turkish trade unions are constantly developing


Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) Javanshir Alkhasov attended the 7th Congress of the Turkish Trade Unions Confederation.

Speaking at the event, Alkhasov spoke about Azerbaijani-Turkish relations. He said that the sustainable development of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations, which is an example to the whole world and is constantly strengthening, brings the Turkic world closer together. According to him, during the 44-day Patriotic War, which is the most glorious page in the history of Azerbaijan, the brotherly Turkish state fully supported Azerbaijan. These fraternal relations are constantly developing, and the high level of our cooperation shows the strength and inviolability of comprehensive relations. ”

The Deputy Chairman noted that the Azerbaijani-Turkish brotherhood based on the words of National Leader Heydar Aliyev “One Nation, Two States” and the founder of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Ataturk “Azerbaijan’s joy is our joy, our sorrow is our sorrow” was felt in all spheres, including the trade union system is strengthening.

On behalf of the ATUC, Alkhasov presented the Azerbaijani national carpet to the organization on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Confederation Of Public Employees Trade Unions Of Turkey

At the congress, Leader Kahveci was re-elected chairman of the Confederation Of Public Employees Trade Unions Of Turkey.

During his visit to Turkey, Alkhasov met with Mahmut Arslan, chairman of the Hak-Ish Confederation, a trade union of the brotherly country. During the conversation, they spoke about the existing fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as the relations between the two institutions, the work done to further strengthen cooperation and prospects. Alkhasov presented 17,100 manat to the Hak-Ish Confederation, allocated by the ATUC Executive Committee on August 12, 2021, for the restoration of forests destroyed by fire in the brotherly country last year.