The glorious 98th anniversary of the magnificent millennia.


The rise of the Autonomous Republic – the triumph of the ideas of Heydar Aliyev( or Heydar Aliyev’s ideas) , the embodiment of the course of development of Ilham Aliyev( or Ilham Aliyev’s development course). 

 One of the first human settlements on earth and one of the oldest cultural centers in the world…

Our ancient homeland where Noah lived…

A country that has played a great role in the creation of the rich history, scientific and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people…

Great land that has made historical contributions to the formation of our statehood heritage…

We are talking about Nakhchivan, which glorifies and lives the national identity and historical heritage of our people in every stone and in every chronicle.Today marks the 98th anniversary of the history of Nakhchivan’s autonomy, which has an ancient and rich history.

Autonomy arising from historical necessity

 Having a history based on millennia and traditions of statehood, as well as rich spiritual and cultural values, Azerbaijan has undergone a path of rapid, ( or has passed a hard ) at the same time bright and glorious development.Nakhchivan has its place on this path, as well as every country that has made worthy contributions to the history of Azerbaijan’s statehood.

This ancient land of Azerbaijan has always played an important role in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of our country.Nakhchivan, which became famous in the Middle Ages as one of the largest centers of science, culture, trade and crafts in the East, also made valuable contributions to the world civilization.The city of Nakhchivan, the capital of the Atabeylar-Eldegiz state of Azerbaijan, is famous throughout the East for its architectural school founded by Ajami Nakhchivani.

National Leader Heydar Aliyev said this at the solemn jubilee meeting dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic:“Nakhchivan has been one of the most prestigious regions of Azerbaijan since ancient times.For centuries, Azerbaijan, including Nakhchivan, has been repeatedly invaded by foreigners, and people have been killed during wars and battles.Nakhchivan was repeatedly completely destroyed and turned  into ashes many times , but people still rose from those ashes and revived Nakhchivan.

Nakhchivan has an ancient history of statehood.  This is the history of Azerbaijan’s statehood.In the 12th century, Nakhchivan was the capital of the Atabeys and Eldegizs of Azerbaijan, and in that century the largest and most powerful state of Azerbaijan.The Atabey state ruled for more than 100 years and its capital preserved Azerbaijanism.

There are many bright examples of Azerbaijan’s rich history that have survived to this day.  Archaeological research in Azerbaijan shows clearly how rich the culture and life of Azerbaijan was( were)  a few centuries ago.

The archeological monuments, ancient caravanserais, mosques and temples preserved in Nakhchivan, as well as the tombs of Mominakhatun, Prophet Noah, Karabakh, “Ashabi-Kahf” shrine and Alinjachay Khanagah, which are among the pearls of our cultural heritage, are distinguished by their grandeur.Nakhchivan, which has a rich literary tradition, has given to Azerbaijan such prominent figures of world literature as Huseyn Javid, Mammad Said Ordubadi, Jalil Mammadguluzade.

Although it has historically been a battleground for political and military struggles, the autonomy of Nakhchivan, which has not succumbed to insidious plans and is protected as an integral part of Azerbaijan, has not been achieved easily.Nakhchivan has always been one of the targets of Armenian chauvinists dreaming of a “Greater Armenia”.Since the 19th century, along with Yerevan and Karabakh, Armenian armed gangs committed genocide against the Azerbaijani population in Nakhchivan and used all means to artificially reduce the number of Azerbaijanis.

After Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia declared their independence on May 26-28, 1918, the Dashnak government of Armenia began to pursue a policy of annexing Nakhchivan and oppressing the peaceful Azerbaijani population. Although the Armenians continued to try to snatch Nakhchivan from Azerbaijan, the stubborn resistance of the local population and the entry of Turkish troops into the region did not allow the Armenians to realize these insidious intentions.

The proclamation of Soviet power in Baku on April 28, 1920 and in Nakhchivan on July 28, 1920 and the establishment of the Azerbaijani SSR, the separation of Nakhchivan from Azerbaijan with the transfer of Zangazur to Armenia raised the issue of autonomy of this ancient land.Because the Soviet government in Armenia was also making new attempts to annex Nakhchivan.

However, Armenia did not achieve its goal.Turkey also played a major role in giving Nakhchivan the status of autonomy within Azerbaijan.The treaties signed by Moscow on March 16, 1921 and Kars on October 13, 1921 were of great importance in deciding the fate of Nakhchivan.The reflection of Nakhchivan’s status in the first international agreement should be considered as a fact of great political significance both then and in the current period of Azerbaijan.

The inclusion of a special provision in the Kars Treaty on the protection of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic by any other state in the event of interference by any other state has further strengthened the historical and political significance of this agreement.  Due to all this, the Kars Treaty of 1921 is a political event of great historical significance in terms of preserving the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan on the south-western borders and granting autonomy to Nakhchivan.  The Kars agreement put an end to Armenia’s territorial claims in Eastern Anatolia and Nakhchivan, and stopped the tension and separatist activities created by Armenia between( among ) the Transcaucasian republics.

The National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev praised the agreement with international status signed in Kars, Turkey, and called the granting of autonomy to Nakhchivan within Azerbaijan in accordance with the provisions of the Kars Agreement a historic achievement.  Even in the late twentieth century, when the Armenian side again invaded the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and made territorial claims, prominent statesman Heydar Aliyev informed the international community about the current reality by recalling the provisions of the Kars Agreement during a historic meeting with Turkish leaders in Ankara on March 24, 1992.  , Forced the Armenian side to remain silent once again.

On February 9, 1924, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic became the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic within the Azerbaijan SSR.  With the establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as an integral part of Azerbaijan, an iron barrier was erected against Armenia’s claims to this ancient land of Azerbaijan.  This was a great historical achievement of the Azerbaijani people in a very difficult political situation.

Development associated with the name of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev

 During the years of Soviet rule, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic passed an honorable and responsible way within Azerbaijan.  Despite all the persecutions and ideological pressures, the elimination of illiteracy in Nakhchivan, as elsewhere in Azerbaijan, the implementation of compulsory secondary education, the formation of the industrial sector along with the agricultural sector, a certain revival in education and culture can be considered important achievements of the Soviet era.

However, during the years of Soviet rule, unfounded territorial claims against Nakhchivan continued.  Thus, during the signing of the Moscow and Kars agreements, the lands of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which covers about 6,000 square kilometers, were illegally annexed and reduced to 5,300 square kilometers by Armenia, which made unfounded territorial claims under the auspices of the powerful Armenian lobby in Moscow.

Only after the prominent statesman Heydar Aliyev led the Republic of Azerbaijan since July 14, 1969, the process of losing lands from the regions of our country was completely stopped, and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was covered with fog.

The development of Nakhchivan during the Soviet period, which gave the modern history of Azerbaijan a wise and irreplaceable genius like the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, is also connected with the name of the Great Leader.  It is no coincidence that the years of Heydar Aliyev’s presidency in Azerbaijan during the Soviet era are remembered as a period of prosperity in the life of the republic, including Nakhchivan.  Until the 1970s, Nakhchivan lagged far behind other regions of Azerbaijan, particularly the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, and ranked last among the autonomous republics of the former USSR in terms of industrial growth.  The joint resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan and the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR “On measures to further develop the national economy of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” dated January 8, 1974, prepared and adopted under the direct instruction and leadership of the National Leader.  played an important role.  The document set specific tasks for the relevant bodies to ensure the socio-economic and cultural development of the autonomous republic, and defined their implementation period.  All the tasks envisaged in the decision were fulfilled on time.

In the early 1970s and 1980s, there was a great revival in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of Nakhchivan.  At the same time, in accordance with the constitutions of the USSR and the Azerbaijan SSR at that time, a new Constitution of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1978) was adopted.

“Great work was done for the socio-economic development of the republic in the early 1970s and 1980s.  At that time, as in all parts of Azerbaijan, a period of rapid development was observed in Nakhchivan.  Under the leadership of the Great Leader, Azerbaijan was in the forefront of the Soviet space in the early 1980s, and great social construction work was carried out in Nakhchivan.  The industrial potential of Nakhchivan was being formed.  In short, the autonomous republic was experiencing its own period of development, ”Ilham Aliyev said in 2014 at a ceremony dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

The Great Leader protected Nakhchivan and set it on the path to prosperity

 The rise of the Autonomous Republic in the turbulent times of our recent history and its heroic stand in the face of the enemy is due to the name of the Great Leader.

Taking advantage of the conditions created by the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s, the Armenian authorities decided to reassert their territorial claims against Azerbaijan, including Nakhchivan, through war.  Nakhchivan was facing difficult tests.  On the night of January 19-20, 1990, several hours before the Soviet invasion of Baku, Soviet troops and Armenian armed groups shed blood in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.  Later, Armenian gangs occupied the village of Karki in Nakhchivan.  The economic crisis deepened here after the transport and communication lines of the autonomous republic were cut off by Armenians and imposed a complete economic blockade.

Only the return of the eldest son of our people Heydar Aliyev in the summer of 1990 from Moscow to Baku and from there to Nakhchivan was the beginning of the salvation of this ancient land of Azerbaijan.  Thanks to the determination of the Great Leader and the rich experience of statehood, the plans of the Armenian invaders to occupy Nakhchivan failed, and the autonomous republic emerged unscathed from the harshest tests of history.  It was as a result of the great efforts of the Great Leader that the foundation of a new era in the history of the autonomous republic was laid.

The arrival of Heydar Aliyev in Nakhchivan also led to decisive steps to restore the independent statehood of Azerbaijan.  For the first time, thanks to the determination and principledness of the Great Leader, the adoption of the tricolor flag of our independent republic as the official state flag of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as the officialization of December 31 as the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis are the most worthy contributions.  It was on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev that the Supreme Soviet of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.  The words “Soviet” and “Socialist” were also removed from the name of the autonomous republic, which required great courage at that time.  All this was possible only thanks to the great political will, irreversible ideal of Azerbaijanism, extraordinary courage and foresight of Heydar Aliyev, who chaired the session of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan AR.  Although the process of disintegration in the name of democratic reforms took place in all allied institutions of the so-called USSR, until then no event in the Soviet Union had taken place similar to or close to the steps taken in Nakhchivan.

Thanks to the work of prominent statesman Heydar Aliyev as Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic since September 1991, the autonomous republic was saved from Armenian occupation, where important reforms necessary for independent statehood were resolutely implemented.  Under the leadership of Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan AR Heydar Aliyev, liquidation of collective and state farms, land reforms, construction of the “Bridge of Hope” on the Araz River on the border with Turkey, the establishment of the New Azerbaijan Party, sending young people to study in Turkish universities.  Other important events have become important events not only in the autonomous republic, but in Azerbaijan in general in terms of the formation and development of a new political, economic and cultural environment.

The establishment of military units of the Azerbaijani Army in Nakhchivan began in the 90s of the last century under the leadership of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.  Only 4 days after the election of the eldest son of our people as the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic – on September 7, 1991, the Defense Committee was established.  That period was the beginning of the process of building the National Army in independent Azerbaijan, along with the purposeful measures taken by Heydar Aliyev to build an army in the autonomous republic, to protect the blockaded Nakhchivan from enemy attacks.

In July-August 1992, weapons and equipment of the 75th Motorized Rifle Division of the Russian Armed Forces located in the territory of Nakhchivan, residential buildings were handed over to the Defense Committee.  On September 15 of the same year, the 5th Special Motorized Rifle Brigade was established on the basis of the Defense Committee.  On October 9, 1992, the first military parade was held in Nakhchivan.

As a result of the far-sighted policy of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, who led Nakhchivan under heavy blockade, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic established relations with Iran and Turkey, signed protocols to meet the vital needs of Nakhchivan and restore communication.  During the 1 year and 9 months of his leadership of the Autonomous Republic, the foreign relations founded by Heydar Aliyev inevitably saved the region from disaster.

The establishment of the New Azerbaijan Party in Nakhchivan in 1992 under difficult conditions was also a national political event with a special place in the future of Azerbaijan.  The New Azerbaijan Party, established in Nakhchivan under the leadership of the Great Leader, who resolutely overcame the obstacles of the previous government circles, the AXC-Musavat duo, came to power in Azerbaijan shortly after democratic elections and made great contributions to the future development of our people and state.  The rescue mission launched by the Great Leader from Nakhchivan, who came to power in 1993 at the insistence of our people, perpetuated the state independence of Azerbaijan.

Record region for economic growth rates

During the 10 years of National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s leadership of independent Azerbaijan, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has confidently walked the path of sustainable development and peace.  The period of development of the autonomous republic after 2003 is a visual expression of the creative power of the creative line of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev.  As a result of the special attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, like all regions of Azerbaijan, has embarked on a path of dynamic development.  The implementation of state programs for socio-economic development of the regions has led to the development of even remote mountain villages.

In general, during the years of independence, the autonomous republic has achieved economic stability and sustainable development in all respects, effectively used domestic resources, ensured defense, food and energy security, and expanded the scope of social projects.  During this period, the gross domestic product of the autonomous republic increased 69 times.  President Ilham Aliyev, who visited Nakhchivan in May last year, called the autonomous republic a record region for economic growth: “Industrial potential is developing and growing.  The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is a record region for economic growth over the past 20 years.  The gross domestic product has increased more than 10 times.

During these years, the volume of industrial production has increased 117 times, and the volume of agricultural production has increased 15 times.  232 scientific and educational institutions, 362 cultural institutions, 251 healthcare, 29 sports facilities, 352 administrative buildings, 61 pumping stations, 328 subartesian wells, 109 bridges, 1346 production and service areas were built in the Autonomous Republic, 3918.3 km of roads were reconstructed.

One of the greatest achievements of the autonomous republic, which previously suffered from energy shortages and was trapped in serious problems, is to ensure energy security.  Nakhchivan, which once received energy through imports, has now become an energy exporter.  Nakhchivan Gas Turbine Power Plant with a capacity of 60 megawatts, 4.5 megawatt hydroelectric power station on the Heydar Aliyev Reservoir, Nakhchivan Modular Power Plant with a capacity of 87 megawatts, Bilav Hydroelectric Power Station with a capacity of 22 megawatts, 20.5 megawatts  “Arpachay-1” Hydroelectric Power Station and 1.4 megawatt “Arpachay-2” Hydroelectric Power Station, 32 megawatt solar power plants, 1.1 megawatt wind-solar hybrid power plant were put into operation in Julfa region.  If at the end of 2003 there was 1 power plant in the autonomous republic, in 2021 this figure reached 11.  More than 65 percent of electricity demand in Nakhchivan is met by alternative and renewable energy sources, which is a very rare indicator for developed countries.

Ensuring energy security has laid the foundation for the development of industry in the autonomous republic, the volume of industrial output has increased 117 times over the years of independence, and hundreds of industrial enterprises have been put into operation.  The autonomous republic, which once dominated the agrarian sector in terms of gross domestic product, has today become an industrial-agrarian region.  As a result of measures taken to build a modern economy with a leading position in industry, significant progress has been made in recent years.  The resumption of decommissioned industrial enterprises and the creation of new production facilities have, as a result, led to the production of new industrial products that were not produced before and, in general, the dynamic growth of industrial production.  As a result of the development of this industry, Nakhchivan now produces all kinds of products, from cars to all kinds of construction materials, from food to clothing.

Along with industry, the development of the agricultural sector is also in focus.  Meeting the demand for irrigation water and improving the supply of agricultural machinery as a result of the establishment of agro-leasing services have encouraged farmers to stick to the land.  As a result, arable land and crop production are increasing every year.  The 15-fold increase in the volume of agricultural production over the past period has made an important contribution to ensuring food security.  Thanks to the attention and care for the agricultural sector, hundreds of households have been formed, which makes an important contribution to self-employment.

One of the main issues in Nakhchivan, which is under blockade, is to ensure food security at the expense of local resources.  The implementation of state programs adopted in various fields has created ample opportunities for increasing the volume of local production in the autonomous republic, providing the population with quality food products.  In the autonomous republic, which previously met its demand for essential food and industrial products entirely through imports, today the demand for 350 types of products is met by local production and the export potential is growing.

The development of private property, small and medium enterprises is in the focus of attention in the Autonomous Republic.  The annual increase in state financial support to entrepreneurs, the elimination of artificial interference in activities in this area, the introduction of a number of tax and customs benefits have had an impact on the development of entrepreneurship.  As a result of the conditions created in the field of entrepreneurship development, the share of the private sector in GDP has increased, 1346 production and service areas have been created.

The complex measures taken in Nakhchivan, the achievement of positive results in the development of industry and agriculture, the launch of new production facilities, increased investment opportunities have contributed to maintaining the rapid pace of development, improving the welfare of the population and solving social problems.  Achievements in all areas have provided employment, 98,775 jobs have been created, and incomes have increased 61 times.

President Ilham Aliyev, who has visited the region 15 times as head of state, inaugurated more than 100 educational, health, sports and cultural institutions, production facilities and military facilities in Nakhchivan.  The number of facilities created under the auspices, instructions and recommendations of the country’s leader is in the thousands.

Successful year in the development of the Autonomous Republic

 Indicators of socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic reflect the important achievements in 2021.  These indicators are not just a collection of numbers, but the heartwarming results of hard work, dedication and the right path.

Last year, the gross domestic product amounted to 3 billion 16 million 315 thousand manat, 2.4 percent more than a year earlier.  The GDP per capita increased by 3.4 percent compared to the previous year and amounted to 6,525 manat, and the average monthly salary amounted to 548.8 manat.  The first place in the GDP is occupied by industry with 27% and the share of material production is 59%.  Last year, the autonomous republic produced industrial products worth 1 billion 69 million 655 thousand 700 manat, which is 1.7 percent more than a year earlier.  The share of the private sector is 92.3 percent.  In order to develop the industry, 11 million 276 thousand manat loans were issued to economic entities in 2021.  Production and service facilities have been established or are under construction for 194 projects.  At present, 384 types of products are produced in Nakhchivan.

In 2021, more than 38 million manat of loans to entrepreneurs in the autonomous republic, 13 million 875 thousand manat was spent on the creation or expansion of new production facilities, and 24 million 161 thousand 100 manat on the development of individual entrepreneurship.  52 legal entities and 2389 individuals were registered.  In 2021, 5.3 percent more agricultural products were produced than in the previous year, ie 573 million 380 thousand manat.  The construction of 5-megawatt Sharur Solar Power Plant and 1.1-megawatt wind-solar hybrid power plant in Julfa district has been completed in order to create alternative energy production areas in the Autonomous Republic, and the construction of a solar power plant in Sharur district is underway.

In 2021 alone, 355 social and administrative facilities were built or reconstructed in the autonomous republic, and construction and reconstruction work continued at 149 facilities.  The improvement of living standards has also had a positive impact on the construction of individual houses, and last year 376,661 square meters of housing was commissioned at the expense of the population.

The century will be rich in examples of greater uplift

The Second Karabakh War created new political and economic realities in the South Caucasus.  Before the war, Azerbaijan, a leading state in the region, further strengthened its status as a leader in the region after ensuring its territorial integrity.  At the same time, with the military-political defeat of Armenia, President Ilham Aliyev laid the foundation for the realization of the historical and national interests of our people.

One of them is the realization of the historical conditions created for the transformation of the Zangazur region, which was once the land of Azerbaijan, into a bridge connecting the entire Turkic world.  One of the items of the November 10 statement, which is a political and legal confirmation of Armenia’s defeat in the 44-day Second Karabakh War, is the restoration of all economic and transport ties in the region, the establishment of transport links between Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

As a result of President Ilham Aliyev’s political and diplomatic wisdom, a transport bridge called the Zangazur Corridor is about to be built.  One of the highlights of President Ilham Aliyev’s 15th visit to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on May 10 last year was a message on the implementation of the Zangazur corridor.  The creation of a new runway at Nakhchivan International Airport, transport projects such as the Julfa-Ordubad highway, and the reconstruction of the Ordubad railway station are part of the steps taken to lift the blockade of the autonomous republic and the Zangazur corridor.

The development achieved in the blockaded autonomous republic today is the embodiment of the political course of President Ilham Aliyev, the triumph of Heydar Aliyev’s ideas.  We are confident that we will further increase the scale of Nakhchivan’s success and celebrate the 100th anniversary of autonomy with greater examples of progress.


Sattar Mohbaliyev,

                                                                         Member of the Milli Majlis,

                             Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation

                                                    “Azerbaijan” newspaper 09.02.2022