Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Azerbaijani woman is distinguished by her devotion to the Motherland and selflessness”


“March 8 – International Women’s Day is very important in Azerbaijan. This holiday is specially celebrated in our country. Departments, organizations and enterprises organize events for this purpose, show respect and honor to women.

Every year, President Ilham Aliyev congratulates Azerbaijani women on the holiday, celebrates their contribution to the development of our country, gives honorary titles to a group, and awards orders and medals.

This is a sign of the state’s attention and care for women in the country. In general, an important aspect of the President’s political activity is women, and their role in the socio-political life of our country is constantly growing.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to her, women have always been exalted in our society based on historical national values and traditions: “Every page of history can be found in the services of our women, their heroism, their contribution to the development of our statehood, the courage of their children, the patriotism of their sons and daughters.

They have rendered exceptional services in the development of our literature, culture, art and mother tongue. Our mothers, such as Tomris, Mahsati, Sara Khatun, Hajar, Natavan, raised the glory of Azerbaijani women and became an example for future generations. The Azerbaijani woman, who has always held the honor of the holy mother, is known for her struggle, took an active part in the socio-political and cultural life of the country, always showed selflessness in the defense of the Motherland and state governance, and showed courage on the battlefields.

Saying that the basis of the state women’s policy in our country was laid by the national leader Heydar Aliyev, the ATUC chairman noted that the Great Leader always treated women’s personality with deep respect: “he devoted a special place to women in all spheres of the country’s life, gave a broad challenge to their comprehensive activities, the leader raised women”.

“First Vice President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva has formed a positive image of Azerbaijani women with her rich activity. He represents Azerbaijan with dignity all over the world with his noble and humane deeds, which he sees not only in our country, but also in the world. She raises the name of Azerbaijani women with her good deeds. Her achievements at the international level are also the success of Azerbaijani women. We are all proud that an Azerbaijani woman is today a goodwill ambassador for UNESCO and ICESCO. At the initiative of Azerbaijani women, charity events are held in Muslim countries, ongoing projects related to the education and health of Muslim children are implemented, and schools are built abroad. In short, we proudly witness the compassion and kindness of Azerbaijani women, rich spiritual, intellectual and high moral values in the example of Mehriban Aliyeva, “said the MP.

S.Mohbaliyev emphasized that Azerbaijani women showed selflessness and courage both in the First Karabakh War and in the Patriotic War: “It was our heroic sons who brought them up in the spirit of patriotism who became the main guarantor of our victory. Mothers who sent their children to liberate our occupied lands with the desire to win, the feeling of homeland was above all. They even stood bravely in front of the corpses of the children of martyrs, they did not break, they all stood up and said, “Long live the Motherland.” This is the sacrifice of an Azerbaijani woman. I heartily congratulate our dear ladies, including the mothers and wives of martyrs, as well as the mothers of soldiers, on the occasion of March 8 – International Women’s Day, and convey my best wishes to them. “