The ATUC provided financial support to the families of the January 20 martyrs


The courage of our fighting sons and daughters is always highly valued in Azerbaijan, the souls of all our martyrs are respected, and their dear memories are cherished.
The families and veterans of the martyrs of January 20, who died in the First Karabakh War and the 44-day Patriotic War, as well as for the independence of our country, are surrounded by comprehensive state support, and there is always national solidarity in this direction.
Azerbaijani trade unions also always support the families of martyrs, veterans, and war veterans in general, are interested in their care and provide the necessary assistance.
Continuing this tradition, this year the Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) has adopted a relevant decision to provide financial support to the families of our heroes who died on January 20, 1990 for the independence of our country. Thus, financial assistance in the amount of 200manat (a total of 19,800) was provided for each of the 99 families of martyrs.
At the same time, ATUC member organizations will provide assistance to the families of martyrs, provide them with free passes, hold meetings with them and hold other events.