The 4th Meeting of the ATUC was held, the issue of protection of labor rights was the main topic of discussion


The 4th meeting of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) was held in online format on December 28.

First, the participants of the Assembly observed a minute of silence in memory of our martyrs who died for the Motherland.

The agenda of the meeting included “On reporting and election meetings in ATUC member organizations”, “The role of trade unions in the protection of workers’ labor rights” and organizational issues.

ATUC Chairman, MP SattarMohbaliyev’s report on “The role of trade unions in the protection of workers’ labor rights” was heard at the meeting.

ATUC chairman said that protection of labor and social rights of people working in our country is one of the priorities of the state’s economic policy: “Various programs, strategies, concepts have been adopted and successfully implemented to implement this policy.Trade unions have also adopted a strategy to promote sustainable development. A roadmap has been identified for 5 selected targets, reflecting the immediate goals of the trade unions.These include an end to poverty (an end to all forms of poverty everywhere), good health and well-being (ensuring healthy living and well-being for everyone regardless of age), quality education (providing inclusive and quality education for all and promoting lifelong education), gender equality (achieving gender equality and empowering all girls and women), Decent Work and economic growth (promoting sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic).

Mohbaliyev noted that during the pandemic, 114,724 low-income families were provided with food and material assistance in the amount of 4,833,163manat, and 117,203 people were provided with 8,261,340 manat in financial assistance by ATUC and member organizations. 568 775 protective equipment – gloves, masks, alcohol, etc. taken and distributed to enterprises and organizations. 1,593,002manat was spent on them.The fund to support the fight against coronavirus and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Trade Unions Council allocated AZN 632,672 and the HeydarAliyev Foundation’s Regional Development Public Union AZN 705,000”. S. stressing that he had enough influence in the international trade union movement of ATUC.Mohbaliyev noted that the organization headed by him is represented at the level of vice-president within the Confederation of International Trade Unions and the Pan-European Regional Council:”Currently, the ATUC maintains contacts with 70 national centers around the world, participates in the work of 6 international organizations and expands and strengthens cooperation”.The chairman of the Confederation said that the active participation of ATUC in improving labour legislation in our country has a positive impact on the regulation of social-Labor Relations: “Trade Union with its participation in the creation of norms prevents the adoption of draft normative-legal acts touching the rights and interests of employees.So far, 493 opinions and proposals have been submitted on the preparation of a normative legal act in the labor and socio-economic spheres. According to him, 230 people were injured and 55 died as a result of accidents in ATUC enterprises and organizations in 2019-2020: “During 9 months of 2021, 14 people died as a result of industrial accidents.In general, the results of the work done in the field of labor protection in trade unions in 2019-2020 were discussed at 187 meetings and the directions of activities in this field for the next period were determined. In some enterprises, working conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards were identified, and 1,573 workers were removed from such unfavorable working conditions.Of them, 142 worked in dusty and gaseous conditions, 358 in noise, 82 in vibration, 462 in excess of temperature, 382 in poor lighting and 137 in heavy manual labor. 330 people were provided with additional leave for unfavorable working conditions, 86 people were provided with reduced working days, 568 people were provided with free medical and preventive meals, and 774 people were provided with milk or substitute products.In the workplaces, 804 wardrobes, 1248 showers, 1503 hand-washing facilities and 25 women’s personal hygiene rooms have been adapted to the requirements of sanitary norms and regulations, 3580 sanitary living rooms have been installed.In accordance with the requirements of normative legal acts, 1387 workers were provided with special clothing, 983 workers with special shoes and 598 workers with other personal protective equipment. 211 technological equipment (machines, mechanisms, vehicles, etc.) in the service of 984 employees have been adjusted to the safety requirements of the standards. The number of enterprises involved in compulsory insurance against occupational accidents and occupational diseases was 107, and the number of employees was 7,845.

“As a result of the research, it was found that over the past three years, 90,693 fixed-term and 253,278 indefinite labor contracts were concluded with employees in the areas served by ATUC member organizations. It is even clear from the information received from many Republican Committees that some enterprises prefer fixed-term employment contracts rather than fixed-term employment contracts.In 2019, 33802, in 2020, 24621, in 2021, 9 months, 32270, 90693 termless labour contracts were signed in 2019, 87609 in 2020, 81861 in 2021, 9 months of 80808, 253278 termless labour contracts were concluded”,-said the chairman of ATUC trade unions should be more active at the conclusion of the contract, after the conclusion of the contract the issue of granting unemployed status to these persons should be raised before the relevant bodies and their rights should be defended.





Mohbaliyev stressed that over the past three years, employers have submitted 4,249 submissions to trade unions, of which 3,635 submissions agreed to terminate the employment contract. During this period, trade union members filed 110 lawsuits.Of these, 55 were complaints about reinstatement and violations of labor rights, and 51 were complaints about the decision of trade unions, none of which was upheld by the courts. 11 appeals for reinstatement were provided. 88 individual labor disputes were considered in various ways in the commissions on individual labor disputes established under the trade union organizations operating in the enterprises.

After hearing the report, the issues on the agenda were discussed, and relevant decisions were made on organizational and other issues on the agenda.

Afterwards, the ATUC chairman gave some recommendations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, creation of healthy and safe working conditions, minimization of accidents, industrial injuries, occupational diseases, implementation of regular awareness-raising activities to comply with labor protection rules and norms.

Mohbaliyev also said that all appeals addressed to trade unions should be thoroughly investigated, all issues raised should be resolved in a timely manner in accordance with the law, and citizen satisfaction should be fully ensured.

Noting that the families of the martyrs and their parents, veterans and veterans are sensitive to their appeals, the chairman of the Confederation stressed that this is a sacred duty of all of us.

In conclusion, S. Mohbaliyev congratulated the participants of the Assembly, as well as all members of the Azerbaijani trade unions on December 31 – the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year, and wished them new success and happy next year. Thanking President IlhamAliyev and First Vice President MehribanAliyeva for the successes and achievements of our country in 2021, S. Mohbaliyev wished them great success in the coming year for the further development of our state and the happy future of our people.