Meetings of the Executive Committee and Council of the All-Union Confederation of Trade Unions were held


On December 8, online meetings of the Executive Committee and Council of the All-Union Confederation of Trade Unions were held in Moscow.

The agenda of the Executive Committee includes a report on the work done over the past year, as well as a number of organizational and current issues.

The report of the Secretary General of the All-Union Trade Union Confederation Vladimir Sherbakov was heard.

Then, the leaders and representatives of the trade unions that are members of the AUTUC gave detailed information about the socio-economic situation in the countries to which they belong, the work done by the trade unions and the projects they implement.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev made a speech at the event.

He mainly provided statistical information on the socio-economic situation in Azerbaijan, measures to combat the pandemic, the country’s economic development indicators.

Mohbaliyev noted that comprehensive measures have been taken to prevent unemployment in Azerbaijan, as a result of which the unemployment rate has fallen sharply.

According to him, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan adequately responded to all initiatives put forward by the state during the pandemic and actively participated in measures to support employment and protect the level of income of the population.

The ATUC chairman stressed that despite the very difficult problems in the context of the pandemic, international financial institutions and rating agencies also give quite positive forecasts for the economic development of Azerbaijan in the near future: According to the World Bank’s Doing Business report released last year, Azerbaijan ranks 28th out of 190 countries. The World Bank also ranked Azerbaijan among the 10 most reformist countries. At the same time, in the reports of the Davos Economic Forum, our country is in a leading position in a number of areas. According to the Economic Freedom Index announced by the Heritage Foundation in 2020, Azerbaijan ranks 38th.

Mohbaliyev added that rapid landscaping work is being carried out in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, and relevant projects are planned to provide employment for residents returning to East Zangazur and Karabakh.

Then, relevant decisions were made on the issues on the agenda.