Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan trade unions sign Memorandum of cooperation


A delegation led by the chairman of the Kazakhstan Trade Unions Federation Satibaldi Dauletali is on a visit to Baku.

On December 6, Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation Member of Parliament Sattar Mohbaliyev and chairman of the committee Satibald Dauletalin together with delegations visited the alley of Honor and laid flowers at the grave of national leader of our people, architect and founder of the modern independent state of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. Then the memory of the Great Leader’s wife, prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was honored with respect.

Flowers were also laid on the graves of prominent statesman Aziz Aliyev and well-known doctor-scientist Tamerlan Aliyev.

The delegation visiting the alley of martyrs expressed their respect for the memory of the Sons of the Motherland who died for the independence and territorial integrity of our country, laid flowers on their graves.

Visitors were informed about the construction work carried out in the capital from the highest point of Baku.

Then a meeting was held in the building of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation. At the meeting, the sides discussed the relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as well as the relations between the two organizations, the work done to further strengthen cooperation and future prospects.

The chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation noted that Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan relations have successfully developed in social, political, economic, cultural and other fields. Recalling the merits of great leader Heydar Aliyev and first president of Kazakhstan –Nursultan Nazarbayev in strengthening these relations S. Mohbaliyev stressed that the brotherly country has always supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and defended its Just Cause.

Talking about the unprecedented victory of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War S. Mohbaliyev noted that rapid landscaping and construction work is under way in East Zangezur and Karabakh today.

Speaking about the activities of the trade unions of Azerbaijan, the chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation said that trade unions, the largest public organization in our country, actively participate in the construction of a new society, play an important role in the implementation of social policy, adequately respond to all calls, including social proposals of the state.

S.Mohbaliyev added that trade unions, as defenders of the rights of our citizens involved in the labour process in Azerbaijan, carry out more consistent and purposeful work by using new methods and tools in the field of adaptation of working conditions to modern standards, solution of social problems and provision of labour rights in all enterprises operating in our country.

Expressing his gratitude for the warm reception, the chairman Kazakhstan Trade Unions Federation Satibaldi Dauletalin gave detailed information about the work done by Kazakhstan Trade Unions Federation. He said that relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan trade unions are continuously developing, mutual visits are organized, experience and opinions are exchanged. It was noted that we will continue to work hard for the further development of these relations.

Then a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the two organizations to further strengthen cooperation and relations.