The ATUC chairman received a delegation led by the head of the Turkish-Azerbaijani interparliamentary friendship group


Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev met with a delegation led by the head of the Turkish-Azerbaijani interparliamentary friendship group Shamil Ayrim on November 12.

The fraternal relations between the two countries, mutually beneficial cooperation in all spheres, as well as Turkey’s moral and political support to Azerbaijan in the Great Patriotic War were discussed at the meeting.

The ATUC chairman said that Azerbaijan is in a festive mood: “Our people celebrate the Victory Day, State Flag Day and Constitution Day. The fact that our Turkish brothers visit us on this eve makes our holidays even more glorious. ”

He noted that since the restoration of independence, comprehensive relations with Turkey, a friendly and brotherly country, have been developing steadily, and relations between our countries have reached a higher level as a logical result of the purposeful policy pursued by the leaders of both countries.

According to him, the personal relations and demonstrations of real brotherhood between Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan are very valuable in the further rapid development of Azerbaijani-Turkish brotherhood and cooperation.

S.Mohbaliyev stressed that last year the whole world witnessed the strength of the Azerbaijani Army, the great leadership skills of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the unshakable unity of the people: “The foundations laid by National Leader Heydar Aliyev played an important role in winning the war. The foundation of the victorious Azerbaijani Army was laid by the Great Leader. He added that the Turkish state and its President provided moral support to Azerbaijan in the war, and the authorities of the brotherly country made great efforts for our victory at all levels. “Today, Turkish companies are closely involved in landscaping in the liberated territories.”

Then the ATUC chairman spoke about the history of the Azerbaijani trade unions, their functions, the work they have done over the years, and their contribution to the development of civil society in our country.

Mohbaliyev said that the Azerbaijani trade unions as a public organization in the second Karabakh war provided all the assistance and assistance within their powers, and responded adequately to every call of the state. He said that his organization always pays attention to the families of martyrs, veterans and war veterans and treats them with special care.

Expressing gratitude for the cordial meeting, the head of the Turkish-Azerbaijani interparliamentary friendship group Shamil Ayrim congratulated Azerbaijan on its victory in the Great Patriotic War and asked God to bless our martyrs who died for the Motherland.

Sh.Ayrim said that the existing relations between our countries are developing in an upward trend, covering all areas, and these relations have reached a level that can serve as an example for each country. He noted that the Shusha Declaration signed between our countries is a unique example of alliance and will further increase the geostrategic importance of our relations.

The head of the Turkish-Azerbaijani interparliamentary friendship group praised the activities of Azerbaijani trade unions, noting the importance of existing relations, exchange of experience and views between the trade unions of the two brotherly countries.

Afterwards, other issues of mutual interest were discussed.

At the end of the meeting, ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev presented the guests with the “Azerbaijan Trade Unions – 115th Anniversary” Badge.