ATUC Executive Committee appealed to international trade union organizations in connection with Victory Day


The appeal says:

“A year has passed since the liberation of our lands under the occupation of Armenian Armed Forces for about 30 years under the leadership of victorious Supreme Commander-in-chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, establishment of historical justice and restoration of violated principles of international law. The occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, armed by its foreign patrons since the early 90s of the last century, along with the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from their native lands, inflicted a hard blow on the economy and cultural heritage of our country and forced more than one million Azerbaijanis to live as refugees and IDPs. Armenia has put the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in a deplorable situation, completely destroyed its infrastructure in cities and villages, and caused billions of dollars’ worth of material damage to Azerbaijan. He committed genocides against Azerbaijanis. The genocide committed by Armenians in Khojaly is known to the whole world.

Azerbaijan has always demonstrated its commitment to international law and tried to resolve the conflict through negotiations. However, during 29 years of its activity the Minsk Group of OSCE tried not to solve the conflict, but to freeze it, the same attitude was given to both the occupier and the party subjected to the occupation, and international resolutions remained on paper. The UN did not exert any pressure on the occupying Armenia, 4 resolutions of the Security Council of the Organization demanding immediate withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan remained on paper for 27 years and were not implemented.

All these years, Armenia continued its aggressive policy, committed provocations on our territories and kept our civilians living along the line of contact under constant fire.

2020 in response to the next military provocation by Armenia on September 27, as a result of the successful counter-attack operation launched by the Azerbaijani army, until November 9, 5 cities, 4 settlements and 286 villages were liberated from the occupation. On November 10, Armenia was forced to sign an act of capitulation. According to the act of capitulation, Agdam, Kalbajar and Lachin regions were returned to Azerbaijan without a single bullet. Thus, Azerbaijan won both on the battlefield and in the political arena.

This is a historic victory, a strong response to separatism and an important contribution to humanity. One element of separatism, which violated the political order of the world, caused conflicts, bloody wars, increased the number of the internally displaced people, has already been destroyed.

As the trade union of Azerbaijan, we note that, unlike the previous one, new realities dominate in the region, which will give impetus to the comprehensive development of the entire South Caucasus and the region as a whole. These are new tasks that will serve stability, security, mutual cooperation and economic development, the reconciliation of Armenia with this is the last way out for them to live in peace. The projects put forward by Azerbaijan and tried to promote them have great prospects for their political and economic importance and are designed for the prosperity and development of the entire region.

We, as trade unions of Azerbaijan, appeal to all international organizations, including International Trade Unions Confederation, General European Trade Union Confederation, Pan-European Regional Council, Global Trade Unions and labor organizations, emphasizing that Azerbaijan, as always, is committed to peace and stability, always prefers bilateral cooperation within the framework of national interests, the principle of good neighborliness. Armenia must also take a concrete position and fulfill all the obligations arising from the trilateral statement. Delimitation and demarcation of borders should give up all obstacles to the issue of signing a peace treaty. We call on the above-mentioned international trade union organizations to appreciate Azerbaijan’s calls for peace, to demonstrate an objective and fair position”.

Member organizations of ATUC

  1. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republican Trade Unions Council
  2. “Khidmat-Ish” Trade Union Federation
  3. Azerbaijan Federation of Agricultural and Food Industry Worker’s Trade Union
  4. Azerbaijan Metal Workers’ Trade Union Federation
  5. Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Azerbaijan Aviation Employees
  6. Trade union of workers of Motor transport and Road economy of Azerbaijan
  7. Azerbaijan Trade Union of the Municipal Workers
  8. Trade Union Workers of Baku Steel Company LLC
  9. Azerbaijan Trade Union Republican Committee of State Organization and Public Service Workers
  10. Azerbaijan Independent Trade Union Republican Committee Railway-Workers
  11. Trade Unions Republican Committee of Azerbaijan Marine Transportation workers
  12. Republican Committee of   Azerbaijan electroenergetics and electrical engineering industry workers Trade Union.
  13. Free Trade Union of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  14. Independent Trade Unions Republic Committee of the workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  15. Azerbaijan Customs Workers’ Trade Union
  16. Independent Trade Union of Constructional Complex Workers of Azerbaijan
  17. Azerbaijan Republican Defense Industry Workers’ Trade Union
  18. Free Trade Unions of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture
  19. Metropolitan Workers’ Trade Union
  20. Azerbaijan Oil & Gas Industry Workers Trade Union Republican Committee
  21. Communication Workers Independent Trade Union Republic Committee
  22. Azerbaijan Entrepreneurship, Private Science and Light Industry Workers Republican Committee of Trade Unions
  23. Republican Committee of the Health Workers Trade Union
  24. Trade Union Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Water Economy Workers
  25. Natural Wealth and Ecology Workers Trade Union Republic Committee
  26. Republic Committee of Independent Trade Union of  Azerbaijan Education Employees
  27. Azerbaijan Trade Union Of Local  Industries And Public Services Workers