Sattar Mohbaliyev:”the resolute policy of the victorious Supreme Commander-in-chief, the professionalism of our brave Army is on the agenda of the world media”


“Both during the Great Patriotic War and before and after it, President Ilham Aliyev was ahead on all fronts. From his activity as the Supreme commander-in-chief to the struggle on the information front, he emerged victorious. Consistent, sarcastic answers, arguments based on iron logic and answers from the world’s leading media turned Armenia’s propaganda in this area, full of lies, slander, not based on a single fact. Only during the Great Patriotic War, the head of our state, who gave interviews to more than 30 foreign media, managed to convey the Azerbaijani realities and form a positive opinion about our country in the world community. With his analytical comments, diplomatic answers about the reasons for the outbreak of the war, its course, the Karabakh conflict, which no longer exists, revealed the occupation, aggressive nature of Armenia, proved that terrorism is supported by this country at the state level. With his restrained, patient, as well as reasoned answer to questions of a biased, provocative nature, he showed everyone his place. It is no coincidence that President Ilham Aliyev’s video messages were at the forefront in terms of the number of views in the world.”

This was stated by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions of Confederation, Member of Parliament Sattar Mahbaliyev.

According to him, despite the fact that a year has passed, the glorious victory of Azerbaijan in the Great Patriotic war is still on the agenda of the world media: “they are constantly talking about the resolute policy of our victorious commander-in-chief and the professionalism of our brave Army. It seems that for a long time the heroism and patriotism of the Azerbaijani people will be in the center of attention of the world community. The head of State spoke about our path to victory and our unique victory in the interview to the prestigious Russian magazine “Nasionalnaya oborona”, describing the process in chronological order and gave a clear explanation. It is clear that the Azerbaijani army has won a great victory every day, and no operation has failed. All strategic and tactical operations under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-chief were carried out with dignity by our Invincible Army. In response to the military provocation of the Armenian side by the Order of the Supreme Commander-in-chief, the fact that the Azerbaijani army immediately started counter-offensive indicates that our Army is always ready to defend our lands. From the very first day, our Army had a psychological advantage, no one doubted that we would win, the fighting spirit was ignited day by day, almost everyone was rooted in victory. This is due to the belief in the Supreme Commander-in-chief of the society and his formality in the Army.”

“The head of State drew attention to the important operations of our army and said that the Armenian side was hit from where it was not expected. Hadrut operation seems that all operations have been professionally prepared by Azerbaijan in advance, even the smallest details have been taken into account. That is why the 30-year conflict was ended in 44 days. Our historic victory was conditioned by the resolute policy of the Supreme Commander – in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the insatiable unity of the Azerbaijani people and the bravery of our invincible Armed Forces.”

“The head of State drew attention to the fact that the map of the mined territories is still not fully presented by Armenia to Azerbaijan. Even so far, the accuracy of the given Maps is 25 percent. Obviously, this aggressive state is still not going to give up its own selfish intentions. Today, Azerbaijan is conducting creative work in the territories completely liberated from the plundered occupation by Armenia. The reason for the rapid implementation of this work is the mined territories. Since the end of the war, more than 150 civilians and servicemen have been mined and still lost their health. President Ilham Aliyev laid out his peaceful position and noted that the process of delimitation of borders, as well as the work on the peace treaty, should be started. It seems that the Azerbaijani side, as always, wants to understand the relations today, but unfortunately there is no such initiative by Armenia,” the chairman of ATUC completed his thought.