Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Mr. President’s visit showed that the bright future of Kalbajar and Lachi is not far away”

“Mr. President Ilham Aliyev personally controls the restoration and creative work carried out in our liberated territories. He regularly visits these areas, is interested in the progress of the work done and lays the foundation for new infrastructure projects. This is a manifestation of the importance of Mr. President to our liberated territories.
This was stated by the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.
According to him, the visit of the head of state to our liberated territories every time gives new good news to our people: “on August 16, during the visit of President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva to the Kalbajar and Lachin districts, the head of State laid the foundations of tunnels to be built on the Tuganali-Kalbajar Highway-Morovdag and it  shows the importance and scale of the work done.Although the construction of roads meeting modern standards and the construction of tunnels requires a long and large amount of financial support in our difficult terrain, we see that our state copes with them with dignity. As an economist, I have also stated in my interviews that Azerbaijan has a strong economy. The landscaping and creative work carried out in the liberated territories once again reveals the economic power of our country. I want to draw attention to one fact. We still live in conditions of a pandemic that does not fully survive.We know that the pandemic has undermined the economic foundations of all states and aggravated the social situation. We are also a state that has come out of the war. To wage war and win this war also requires great economic power. The Azerbaijani economy has been tested. At the same time, the resumption and restoration of the liberated territories immediately after the war once again confirms what we said. It is well known that the economic policy of President Ilham Aliyev is ahead of all these successes.”
“Today’s Armenia, which never had its own lands, was created on the lands of ancient Azerbaijan. Establishment is an artificial state. If we look at the history, we can see that the names of the territories where Armenia exists are the names of Azerbaijan. During his visit to Kalbajar, Mr. President touched upon this issue. He said that the names of those areas were later changed and given Armenian names. The region called Vardenis by the Armenians is in fact the ancient land of Azerbaijan Basarkechar, part of Goycha district. The President put forward a very important initiative. He stressed that we must call the remaining lands in the territory of present-day Armenia by their real names. Indeed, this is a very important and strategic issue. We are a nation with its own history. This is our historical right. Future generations should also know that the Armenian state was established in the lands of ancient Azerbaijan. This is the source of their tendency to aggression. However, the Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, as well as the unshakable unity of our people as a fist, overturned the dreams of occupation, which can hardly be remembered, “he said.
“During the occupation, when the Armenians took an alternative route from Basarkechar to Kalbajar to the Lachin corridor, we seriously protested, there was a concern inside. After all, these territories are ours. International and regional organizations based on double standards, as well as the Minsk Group dealing with the settlement of the conflict, turned a blind eye to this. They intended to build other roads as well, and carried out illegal settlements. “I know what, how and when to do it,” he said. We are rebuilding the cities and villages they destroyed. All conditions are created for the residents to live comfortably. Of course, there will be a large influx of tourists to these areas. The tourism potential of Kalbajar, as well as other liberated territories, is very wide. Complex work is being done in this direction. President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva laid the foundation of Lachin International Airport. Earlier, the construction of international airports began in Fizuli and Zangilan districts. “Such projects, which will add color to the bright future of the region, will contribute to the overall development of our country in general,” Mohbaliyev said.