Sattar Mohbaliyev: “the Arrival of Turkey in the region and its involvement in the processes reflect a new political reality”


“The importance of the liberated territories of Azerbaijan is growing steadily. The historical declaration signed between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Shusha on June 15, 2021 is a clear manifestation of the new realities in the region, which will further stimulate the rapid development of relations between the two brotherly countries in all areas. The signing of the declaration in the liberated city of Shusha indicates the importance of the region for the countries of the region along with Azerbaijan and opens new opportunities for further development. The opportunities created are as important for Azerbaijanis returning to the region as for their ancestral homeland, as well as for Azerbaijani citizens of Armenian descent living there. ”

This opinion was expressed by MP, Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan Sattar Mohbaliyev.

“Azerbaijani citizens of Armenian descent, who have been victims of the occupation policy for many years, must understand that they live in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and this has been confirmed by the whole world. The presence of the occupying Armenian army in the region has already been ended by the heroic Azerbaijani army. Armenia’s empty, utopian occupation plans have failed. The implementation of major projects that will ensure the economic development of the region continues successfully. New realities already prevail here. It is important for Armenia to understand this. Because they will benefit more from the projects to be implemented by Azerbaijan, including the opening of the Zangazur corridor, which they are still protesting. I have said in previous interviews that the Zangazur corridor will generally cover the economic development of the region, “Mohbaliyev said.

According to him, there is a crisis in the political sphere in Armenia, as in all spheres: “After the defeat in April 2016, political stability in the country was violated. Last year’s defeat in the Great Patriotic War led to almost anarchy in Armenia. The population of the country blames the Armenians of Karabakh for all these issues. Some politicians and celebrities in Armenia have already begun to acknowledge the truth. They, of course, see the salvation of the Armenian state in the restoration of relations with neighbors, in moving away from the idea of occupation. Even Nicole Pashinyan repeatedly touched upon the restoration of relations and stressed its importance. In any case, all this is in the interests of the Armenian people. ”

“However, there are pro-Armenian forces from abroad who want to aggravate the situation. I would like to note that the senators under the influence of the Armenian lobby in the United States accuse the State Department of suspending the 907th amendment, saying that the Armenian captives were detained illegally. However, in response to these demands, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken showed that he did not take them seriously. In general, the expectations of the Armenian society regarding the hearings in the US Senate did not come true. Also, the Armenian side, hoping for the escalation of US-Turkish relations, thought that it would use it for its own interests. However, the cordial meeting between US President Joseph Biden and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan within the framework of the NATO Summit on June 14 and the statements made these wishes of the Armenians unfulfilled. Following the meeting, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Shusha and the signing of a well-known declaration shattered the Armenian community’s dreams of US influence in this matter. “The region is now seen in a new light to the whole world and the truth is being understood,” he said.

The chairman of ATUC added that the arrival of Turkey in the region and its involvement in the processes reveal a new political reality and stipulates the existence of NATO: “we can clearly say that NATO is already in the region on the example of Turkey. This shows that Russia’s presence in the region was gradually eliminated by the Western countries. In addition, the fact that Russia maintains military contingents in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria causes tension in the domestic economy. The Armenian community understands that the departure of Russian peacekeepers will put them face to face with Azerbaijanis. As in Armenia, the Armenians living in Karabakh are also very sensitive to the issue of migration. This will lead to a shortage of manpower, production and Defense Forces in the country experiencing a demographic crisis. It seems that the Armenian community has no other way but peace.”