Our veterans were provided with assets within the self-employment program


The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population today provided assets to two more veterans of the Great Patriotic War to create small businesses as part of the work to provide social support to veterans.

War invalids Jamal Alkhasov, Farrukh Rzayev and Parvin Rzayev were provided with the necessary equipment within the self-employment program to set up small businesses for the production of doner. The assets were transferred within the framework of cooperation between the Ministry and the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan in assisting in the organization of self-employment of vulnerable groups.

Jamal Alkhasov was recently provided with an engine wheelchair by the Ministry, and work is underway to provide him with a high-tech prosthesis.

In general, the social support package implemented during the post-war period provided support to the employment of more than 6,000 people, including members of the martyr’s family, veterans and their relatives. 4666 of them were covered by the self-employment program, 430 people were sent to suitable jobs, and 930 people were involved in paid public works.