“AHIK Volunteers” program is launched


Humanistic values, noble missions, benevolence, and voluntary and selfless support for national actions are  values that our people live and develop.
The merits of voluntary support in the progress, unparalleled achievements and victories of our state are undeniable.The voluntary movement founded by the National Leader of our people Heydar Aliyev in modern, independent Azerbaijan was further developed by Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, the normative legal framework was improved, and state support for this field was increased. Our citizens, including young people, from the regions of our country and all strata of our society, who have already justified themselves in many fields, including volunteer activities, and have gained wide sympathy, take advantage of this opportunity and make selfless contributions to the further progress of Azerbaijan.Taking into account the development realities and challenges of today, it is also a reasonable step to take advantage of the important voluntary support of our members in the work to be done in order to accurately and timely achieve the goals set for the protection of labor rights.

In this regard, the “AHIK volunteers” program is launched by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan.Thus, the program will be useful in promoting the activities of trade unions, increasing their reputation and expanding their ranks, and will also be an important opportunity for young people to increase their knowledge and skills, reveal their talents, gain experience and socialize.The involvement of volunteers in the organization of events of the Confederation in various fields is also a great support for their personal development and growth as professional personnel.All Azerbaijani citizens aged 18-25, who are capable of analytical thinking, intelligent and disciplined, who are studying or have graduated from higher education, can participate in the project. Preference is given to young people with foreign language skills and previous volunteering experience.Qualified volunteers will join the two-stage program, Stage and StagePro. Participation in the program is planned for 2 months for each stage. Volunteers will be involved in activities at the Confederation’s central office, as well as in member and subsidiary organizations, where they will be taught various digital and soft skills, informative sessions and professional training, and teamwork skills will be inculcated.Participants who successfully complete the program and whose activities are deemed acceptable will be awarded with “Stage” and “StagePro” certificates of the “AHIK Volunteers” program, respectively.
Young people who want to join the volunteering movement, improve their personal knowledge and skills, and be useful to our society can apply to join the first program through the link https://bit.ly/AHİKkönüllıları until October 30 at 18:00.