Congratulation of Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan Sahib Mammadov on Knowledge Day


The greeting reads:

On September 15 – knowledge day, I sincerely congratulate all students, students and our dear teachers who have spent their lives in their upbringing. May the next academic year you are entering bring you even greater success and success. I also wish success to all students who will go to school in the liberated East Zangezur and Karabakh, which is our pride place, as well as students who will study at Karabakh University, which started its activity for the first time this academic year.

As we know, as a result of the continuous and effective educational reforms conducted under the leadership of our head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and the introduction of inclusive education, the teaching-learning process has improved, and a modern education system has been formed in our country that meets national and universal values, the requirements of the new era, and progressive international standards. Also, favorable conditions have been created for increasing the desire of children and young people for education, identifying talented and capable learners and their development.

The First Vice-President of Azerbaijan, Mehriban Aliyeva, also has education at the center of her activities. Thousands of educational institutions in our country were overhauled and new ones were built thanks to the “New School for Renewing Azerbaijan” program, implemented directly on the initiative of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. As a result of the work done, citizens who think freely and creatively, have a broad worldview, who acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, who are modern-minded, who are patriotic and loyal to the ideas of Azerbaijanism are growing up in our country.

I believe that both pupils and students, especially those who will go to school for the first time this school year, will take advantage of these opportunities to master the taught subjects more deeply, increase their knowledge and demonstrate their skills.