Members of the union who distinguished themselves in the restoration of ancient melon varieties were awarded


The Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables organized an event to get acquainted with the grown samples of both old and new varieties of melons and to evaluate the tasting indicators of the samples with the participation of 40 farmers engaged in horticulture in Kurdamir region. At the event, farmers were given information about the characteristics of restored and newly created varieties of melons.

Fuad Mammadov, the head of the Trade Unions of Agrarian Field Workers, also spoke at the event. He said that the traditions of growing melon plants were historically strong in the Kurdamir region, and most of the varieties of melons and watermelons available in our country were planted in the territory of the region.

Calling the selection of Kurdamir region a successful choice for experimental plantings, the head of the Union said that along with breeding scientists, farmers with experience in growing melon plants also play a major role in the restoration of old and new varieties. Later, Fuad Mammadov presented the special awards of the Union of Agricultural Workers’ Unions to the breeder Khurshud Mammadov and Turkan Hajiyeva for their activities in the direction of the restoration of ancient fruit varieties, to the farmer Nizami Badirov who carried out the trial plantings, and to the director of the Kurdamir State Agrarian Development Center Elshan Jabrayilova for organizational support in the organization of plantings.

Speaking at the event, farmers of Kurdamiry positively evaluated the works done in the direction of restoration of ancient varieties of melons, and noted that the planting areas of these varieties will be increased in the next season.

At the end of the event, the farmers evaluated the taste qualities of the restored and newly created fruit varieties. During the tasting process, the color, taste, sugar level and other indicators of the variety were evaluated by the farmers according to a special scoring system on a 5-point system. The results of the evaluation will be collected in the form of a survey and evaluated by the Selection Department of the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables.