Seminar organized by ATUC and ILO in Lankaran


On August 23, a seminar on “Trade Unions in the face of choice” was held in Lankaran, jointly organized by the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The event provided a broad platform for discussions on new challenges faced by trade unions and possible solutions to these challenges.

First Deputy Chairman of ATUC Ilyas Aliyev and head of the Department of the International Labor Organization (ILO) for Europe and Central Asia, representative of the ACTRAV Sergejus Glovaskas made opening speeches. They conducted an in-depth analysis of the current state and future directions of trade unions and highlighted the main topics to be discussed at the seminar.

In his speech, Ilyas Aliyev explained in detail the importance of trade unions in Azerbaijani society and the challenges they face.

He also drew attention to the changes taking place in the activities of trade unions in the modern era and spoke about the impact of issues such as global economic crises, technological innovations and climate change on the activities of trade unions.

The speech of ATUC department head Namig Huseynov as a keynote speaker at the first session on “new challenges and opportunities faced by trade unions” was heard. Within the framework of the session, new realities faced by trade unions in the light of global changes, steps to be taken to protect the interests of members and improve their well-being were discussed.

Also, interactive discussions, question and answer sessions and panel discussions were organized within the program of the event. During the discussions, the participants reviewed various scenarios related to the future development of trade unions, changes in labor relations and the impact of these processes. The moderator of the Panel discussion, Sergejus Glovaskas, shared the experiences of different countries with the participants and voiced the directions of further development of trade unions.

The Seminar was completed with the final session. At this session, the results of the event were evaluated, the main results obtained and recommendations for future activities were presented.

The Seminar aroused great interest among the participants and contributed to their deeper approach to issues related to trade unions. It should be noted that this seminar is of great importance in terms of improving the activity strategies of trade unions in the upcoming period.