Monitoring continues


On July 31, 2024, employees of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers
(ASIHIB)-chief technical labor inspector Ramiz Hajiyev and trusted doctor Zohrab
Mansirov held a meeting on health and safety at the Scientific Research Institute of
vegetable growing of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Elmar Allahverdiyev, chairman of the institute's management board, deputy
chairman and labor protection representative Anar Khudiyev gave information
about the work done in the institute related to health and labor protection.
Employees of the trade union of agrarian sector workers got acquainted with
the work of the Institute's Agrobiotechnology, Plant Protection, functional
analyzes, processing storage and quality laboratories, detailed information on labor
protection, sanitary and hygienic rules in laboratories and greenhouses, safe use of
modern laboratory equipment, safe storage and use of chemicals.
The participants of the meeting visited the institute's Genofon room,
agricultural fields and other auxiliary areas, it was determined that health and labor
safety issues are always in the center of attention of the institute's management.
The Regional Trade Union Committee continues a series of measures related to
health and labor protection issues. The main goal of the trade union in these
meetings is to increase attention to the listed issues and give recommendations to
the responsible persons.