The Congress of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Health Workers of Azerbaijan (SIHI RK) was held.


The fourth congress of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Health Workers of Azerbaijan (SIHI RK) was held. Chairman of SIHI RK Arif Mardanov welcomed the participants and declared the Congress open. Then the National Anthem was played, and the memory of our martyrs and members of the Union who died was commemorated with a minute of silence.

In accordance with the regulations, the composition of the editorial, mandate and calculating commissions of the Congress and members of the Secretariat were elected and approved daily. The agenda includes the report on the work of the SIHI RK for 2017-2024, the report of the Audit Commission, issues on making amendments and additions to the Charter of the SIHI RK, forming the composition of the Committee and selecting a new composition of the Audit Commission.

The speech of the Deputy Chairman of the committee Javid Mammadov on the report of the work carried out by the SIHI RK for 2017-2024 was heard. After the speech, discussions were held around the report, the organization’s activities were considered satisfactory and unanimously approved. Also, the report of the Audit Commission was heard and approved.

Then a new composition of the SIHI RK was formed at the Congress. Elnara Muradova was elected chairman of SIHI RK by open voting, Javid Mammadov and Budma Abdullayeva were elected deputy chairmen. The new chairman of the SIHI RK Elnara Muradova thanked the participants of the Congress who trusted her, stressed that the organization headed by her will work diligently in the direction of effective activity, protection of labor rights of health workers, creation of working conditions in accordance with the norms for them, Organization of recreation and protection of their health.