A new building of the “Education” Recreation Center was opened in Khachmaz.


On July 22, the opening of a new building of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Education Workers of Azerbaijan (ITIAHI RK) took place at the “Tehsil” Recreation Center in Nabran settlement of Khachmaz region. The opening ceremony was attended by the chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), deputy of the Milli Majlis of the VI convocation Sattar Mohbaliyev, head of Khachmaz District Executive Authority Elnur Rzayev, heads of member organizations of Republican Committee of Azerbaijan Free Trade Unions of Educational Workers and media representatives.

The chairman of the ATUC inspected the building. It was noted that there are 45 rooms in the three-storey building.Of the rooms, 12 are for 3 people and 33 are for 5 people.Allroomsare equipped with air conditioning, TV and refrigerator.

The chairman of the Confederation also opened 2 new cottages on the territory of the Recreation Center. It was reported that the cottages are two-storey and each cottage is designed for 10 people (20 people in total). All necessary conditions have been created in the cottages for a comfortable rest of the union members.

Inaddition to them, another swimming pool has been built on the territory of the Center for vacationers to bathe and cool off.The pool, consisting of two parts, is designed for adults and children.The poolis periodically cleaned and medicated, chlorination and disinfection operations are carried out.

Also, the dining room and kitchen of the recreation area were renovated and expanded. Those who are resting here taste various dishes of national and European cuisines.

After getting acquainted with the new buildings, the chairman of the Confederation, Sattar Mohbaliyev, visited the territory of the recreation center, looked at the corps rooms and cottages, and got acquainted with the conditions created for the rest of the members of the union. Also, the chairman talked to people resting in the center, was interested in their recreation, and learned their opinions and suggestions. The chairman of AHIK instructed the management of the center to strictly follow technical safety rules and cleanliness.

At the end, ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev answered the journalists’ questions. He said that the “Education” Recreation Center, opened in 2013, covers an area of ​​more than 10 hectares: “There are 3 three-story residential buildings with new buildings, cottages, a dining hall, a gym, football and volleyball fields, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, primary medical facilities. help room, internet club, conference hall and other facilities. About 800 people can relax in the center at the same time. The river passing through the territory of the recreation center, which is surrounded by forests on four sides, and the preservation of the area’s biodiversity make it a suitable place for recreation.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev added that relevant steps will be taken for effective and meaningful rest of education workers as well as all members of trade unions.