President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Egypt will give impetus to the expansion of our relations


“The democratism, humanism, as well as the essence of each state, are more evident in its foreign political activities. The foreign policy strategy of Azerbaijan, which is based on national interests, is based on justice with an independent, equal nature. And this has brought our country a great influence on a global scale and significantly increased its position in the world community. One of the important directions of our state’s foreign policy is relations with Muslim countries. In general, Azerbaijan is among the countries that have made an invaluable contribution to Islamic Solidarity. It is known that trends in Islamophobia are increasing in the world. Azerbaijan is resolutely fighting against this negative thought, which leads to unpleasant and serious consequences on an international scale. I would also like to note the importance of the Baku process, which has been organized since 2008. Thus, this international platform has brought together Muslim countries and European states to promote intercultural dialogue.”

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

According to him, one of the countries where Azerbaijan attaches special importance to relations between Muslim countries is Egypt: “it is known that Egypt enjoys great influence both in the Muslim world and in the world, and its relations with Azerbaijan have developed in an ever-rising direction. First of all, I would like to emphasize that Egypt is one of the countries that recognize the independence of Azerbaijan more quickly and establish relations. The friendly country has always supported Azerbaijan’s rapprochement with the league of Arab states and the development of its relations. Azerbaijan and Egypt also defended each other’s positions in international organizations. By the way, during the long-term Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, we witnessed the fair approach of Egypt to this issue. Thus, this country openly supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and defended its rightful position on all international platforms.”

“I would like to highlight the working visit of great leader Heydar Aliyev to Egypt in 1994, which led to the strengthening of relations between the two countries. This visit was also of great importance in terms of identifying new prospects for cooperation. The official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Egypt in 2007 opened new pages in our relations and paved the way for deepening political and economic cooperation. The visit of Egyptian President Abdulfattah al-Sisi to Azerbaijan in January 2023 was also remembered for its productivity and gave impetus to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in new directions,” the chairman of the ATUC said.

Sattar Mohbaliyev stressed that this official visit of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev to Egypt was also marked by its importance: “during the Presidents ‘ statements to the press, both leaders expressed satisfaction with the existing relations and said the importance of further development of relations in various fields. One of the upcoming goals is to increase the volume of trade turnover. At the same time, the issue of transport corridors is also on the agenda. We are confident that the signing of a number of important documents and the agreements reached within the framework of the visit will not only achieve the set goals, but also deepen friendly relations and open new and important pages in our relations.”