Azerbaijan is a constantly modernizing and competitive country


“Currently, one of the issues of serious concern to the world community is climate change, the painful and destructive consequences of this global catastrophe are already manifesting themselves. The widespread use of Mineral fuels, an increase in the volume of greenhouse gases and, as a result, a rise in temperature lead to unpredictable and extreme weather phenomena, severe natural disasters. We already, perhaps, observe every day that floods, mudflows and forest fires occur in different parts of the world. Therefore, the fight against climate change should be the main task facing the countries of the world. It is known that Azerbaijan is among the countries that actively work in this direction, showing solidarity with the world. For example, one of the five national priorities determined by our state is related to a clean environment and green growth, and the work carried out in this direction is also in sight. Azerbaijan’s organization of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, as well as the declaration of 2024 as the “Year of Solidarity for the Green World” in our country, is a direct continuation of this policy. On April 23, an international forum on “COP29 and Green Vision for Azerbaijan” was held in Baku – ADA University, and the head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev answered the questions of the participants. The accurate information and comments and valuable opinions of our President regarding global problems, the real situation in the region, peace and security, as well as other important points have already been given wide space in the international press. “Mr. Ilham Aliyev touched on the current issues with his fluent speech, logical and clear speech and answered the questions of the participants.”

These views were voiced by Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, in his statement to the mass media.

“Of course, the organization of such international events in our country is very important in terms of promoting our country’s potential, economic and political power, just and fair position. As we know, hosting the COP29 conference is the most important event of this year for our country. Touching upon the importance of this at the forum, our president stressed that it is a manifestation of great respect and support from the international community to Azerbaijan. Dozens of events of international organizations on various topics have been organized in our country, forums, conferences, as well as sports competitions have been held, and Azerbaijan has gained rich experience in this field. All indicators, including stability, security, professional organization, etc. from the point of view, Azerbaijan is considered a unique country in this regard. Therefore, no one doubts that COP29 will be organized at a high level and meet expectations. At the same time, Azerbaijan will participate in this event not only as a host, but also as a party, demonstrate its position and make proposals,” the MP said.

“In his speech, the president of Azerbaijan touched upon the economic opportunities of our country. It is known that today’s development of our state is impossible without sustainable and sustainable economic progress. It is at the heart of all our achievements that is strong and, most importantly, complete economic independence. The successful statistics of the last 20 years, as well as the construction work carried out today in Karabakh and East Zangezur without assistance from anyone, are proof of what we have said. Let’s take a brief look at the statistics: if in 2003 our gross domestic product was $ 7 billion, then according to the results of last year it is $ 72 billion. Also, if in 2003 our foreign exchange reserves amounted to $ 1.6 billion, now it has increased to $ 68.5 billion. Although we lived in a pandemic that paralyzed the world and led to severe economic crises, we went through a great war. But still, our economy has steadily moved forward. Azerbaijan, which does not depend on anyone even today, is developing confidently and successfully, steadily increasing its economic power,” the chairman of ATUC noted.

“Another important issue in the speech of the head of the country was the attitude of France, India and Greece to arm Armenia against us. We clearly see that the above-mentioned states are openly trying to break up with these actions, block the peace process, and open the way to confrontation. Of course, in such a sensitive period, it is irresponsible and abnormal to resort to such dirty games instead of promoting peace. These states, as well as countries in solidarity with them, must firmly understand that they will not be able to change the real situation with these and other such unpleasant steps. This is once again shown by the experience of 30 years. Then, with one attack, our Army laid down the knee of the occupying army supported by those states under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-chief. Instead of learning from this experience, they shamelessly show themselves “generous” and still transfer weapons to Armenia.  Our president’s response to this is unequivocal: “If we see a serious threat to ourselves, we will have to take serious measures.” That’s it. Go look for other pitches for yourself to play the game. You have long lost in the South Caucasus,” Sattar Mohbaliyev concluded.