The Chairman of ATUC Sattar Mohbaliyev met with Gennady Kosolapov, General Secretary of the International Confederation of Trade Unions of Railway Workers and Transport Builders


On February 28, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, met with Gennady Kosolapov, Secretary General of the International Confederation of Trade Unions of Railway Workers and Transport Builders, who was visiting our country.

At the meeting, relations between Azerbaijani trade unions and the International Confederation of Trade Unions of Railway Workers and Transport Builders, the work done in the direction of further strengthening of cooperation and future prospects were discussed.

Addressing the activities of the Azerbaijani trade unions, Sattar Mohbaliyev noted that the trade unions have an important role in the strengthening of civil society in our country, they closely participate in the implementation of social policy, and adequately respond to all the calls of the state, including pro-social proposals.

The chairman of ATUC emphasized that today trade unions, as defenders of the rights of Azerbaijani citizens involved in the labor process, operate more consistently and purposefully using new methods and tools in the field of adapting working conditions to modern standards, solving social problems and ensuring labor rights in all enterprises operating in our country.

General Secretary Gennady Kosolapov, expressing his gratitude for the sincere meeting, highly appreciated the activity of the Azerbaijani trade unions. The meeting also discussed other issues of mutual interest.