The creation of the Khojaly Genocide Memorial is also very important for future generations


“The main principle of President Ilham Aliyev’s political activity and management philosophy is his responsible approach to the promises he made to his people, timely and accurate fulfillment. Few leaders in history and in our modern world possess these high qualities. It is these characteristics that endear President Ilham Aliyev to his people and increase their trust in him. In 2003, the head of state stated in the meeting with the refugees in the tent city in Bilasuvar district that in the near future all the tent cities in our country will be abolished and new houses will be built for them. He fulfilled this promise in a short period of time – only four years. Thus, in 2003, 5 tent cities in Bilasuvar, 4 in Barda and Aghjabedi in 2006, and 3 in Saatli and Sabirabad regions were canceled in 2007. Also, President Ilham Aliyev stated in his meetings with internally displaced persons that we will definitely liberate our occupied lands, and more modern houses with all kinds of facilities will be built there for you. Today, we are witnessing the real results of that promise, and we are very happy when we see this picture.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, deputy of the Milli Majlis, said these thoughts to mass media.

“In general, Khojaly was a serious wound in the hearts of every representative of our people. In 1992, Armenian fascists committed the biggest bloody crime in the history of the world, far from humanity. The Azerbaijani Army took this revenge on the battlefield both during the 44-day Patriotic War and with its anti-terrorist measures in September 2023. Yesterday – on February 26, the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev met with representatives of the district community in Khojaly. This is already the result, the fruit of our Victory, the proudest sight of our glorious history. Residents visit their hometowns. This is one of the successful results of the wise policy of President Ilham Aliyev, the victorious son of our nation,” Sattar Mohbaliyev said.

“At the meeting with the residents, our head of state said that we will never forget the Khojaly genocide. This is an extremely grave tragedy. Armenian militants resorted to all atrocities that night. They even committed insulting actions on the martyred people – they cut off the heads and other organs of the corpses, peeled the skin, gouged out the eyes of children, and ripped open the bellies of pregnant women. The rabid enemy did these actions ruthlessly and dishonestly. Also, they used prohibited cartridges and chemical weapons during the attack on civilians. Therefore, we will never forget this brutality of the enemy. The whole world should be aware of it and strongly condemn it. For several years now, our state, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, our historians, the witnesses of the events have been conveying these facts to the international community. I would especially like to mention the “Justice to Khojaly” campaign, which has been implemented since 2008 by the initiative of Leyla Aliyeva, the vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The campaign plays an important role in spreading the truth about the Khojaly genocide in the world, in recognizing this bloody tragedy as an act of genocide against the people of Azerbaijan, relevant decisions have already been made in a number of countries. “Hundreds of thousands of people and 115 organizations support the activity of the campaign,” the ATUC chairman emphasized.

The deputy of the Milli Majlis noted that the Khojaly Genocide Memorial, founded by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the head of our state, is an important project: “The memorial will have a very important role in promoting the events of Khojaly in the world, passing them on to future generations, and keeping the memory of the victims of the genocide alive in the hearts of our people.