A grand celebration of national faith


1.5 million members of the Confederation of Trade Unions showed great confidence in Ilham Aliyev’s rescue mission

The wise and appreciative people of Azerbaijan, the most powerful in its history, made a historic choice again…

In the 9th presidential election of the independence period, the people chose their leader…

In the Zafar elections held for the first time in the whole of Azerbaijan, the people gave a mandate of confidence to the Redeemer Leader Mr. Ilham Aliyev – 92 percent…

The people expressed their faith, loyalty and love for Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s stability, growth, confident and sustainable development, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual progress, democratic values created in just 20 years!

The people not only elected the first person of the country, but also voted for the winner of the New Century of Azerbaijan – Zafar Asrin!

Our wise people put their glorious stamp on the history of Azerbaijan’s statehood!

A fair, democratic election and a vote for the Age of Victory

So far, the presidential elections held in our country have played the role of a mirror of democracy in Azerbaijan. The electoral experience of our country is also very unique. Once again, the people of Azerbaijan voted for development, progress, stability and peace, showing once again that it is a perfect and wise people. The activity of our citizens on Election Day reminded me of September 2020, 27. At that time, our people, regardless of their age, went to the polling stations with the same desire and enthusiasm as they turned to the military commissariats in droves. This is the secret of the successes, victories and unique achievements of the Azerbaijani people – unity and solidarity!

The results of the elections show that our citizens see their happy future, prosperous life, further development of our state, as well as protection of our statehood and strengthening of our independence in continuation of the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Our people came to this conclusion, of course, seeing the successes of our country over the past 20 years and the effective results of the political course of great leader Heydar Aliyev.

Participation in the first election after the Patriotic War was a sacred goal of every native Azerbaijani, a turning point in our last 200 years of history, an important statehood exam and an international political event. The presidential elections were inscribed in our glorious history with a number of points and significance. For the first time in 30 years, our people held elections in a way that fully ensured our territorial integrity, and this election covered the entire country.

Years later, there was pride of victory elections in Agdara, Kalbajar, Lachin, Shusha, Agdam, Fuzuli, Gubadli, Zangilan, Jabrayil, Khojavand, Khojaly, Khankandi – that is, Karabakh and East Zangazur. Thus, we reaffirmed our territorial integrity and sovereignty and demonstrated it to the whole world. And as a victorious, victorious people, forehead-open, face-white. Therefore, these elections will forever remain in our history as Victory elections. The spectacular result of this election was also a harsh slap in the face of the people against the anti-Azerbaijani network. This is a new victory of Azerbaijan’s staunch struggle against superpowers and its independent policy.

February 7 was the moment of the most responsible choice in the new history of Azerbaijan and a test of the wisdom of the people. Azerbaijan came out of this choice and this test with responsibility, wisdom and honor and demonstrated that the country, which amazed the world with its achievements, is a nation that will always amaze humanity with its skills and abilities. The people gave their blessing and support to their leader, the bearer of our independence, the creator of the most magnificent Azerbaijan in history, Ilham Aliyev for the next 7 years…

There is a parable of the fathers: the eye of the hand is a scale. We will not be mistaken if we say that Mr. Ilham Aliyev won the decisive victory as a result of completely democratic, transparent and fair elections with the participation of 4 million 651 thousand 473 voters, 90 thousand 372 observers, more than 190 representatives of 200 foreign media organizations, 72 international organizations.

The confessions of representatives of international organizations observing the elections regarding the landscapes they encountered also proved the so-called. The initial figures of the Central Election Commission on the results of the elections almost coincided with the results of “exit polls” conducted by 3 organizations – the league for the protection of labor rights of citizens together with the US organization “ORACLE ADVISORY GROUP”, the Monitoring Center “opinion”and the Center for Sociological Research.

The international media covering the election process also broadcast that the elections were held in full democratic, transparent and in accordance with the requirements of the Electoral Code, and the world community became aware of the Democratic electoral environment in Azerbaijan. Our compatriots or foreigners living abroad were able to watch the voting process live using webcams installed at 1000 polling stations.

These elections, which expressed the will of the multinational population living in Azerbaijan, once again proved to the world that Mr. Ilham Aliyev has high respect and authority in our country, great confidence and unshakable support of the people in him.

Why exactly Ilham Aliyev?!

It is not difficult to find an answer to this question. Not much, if we look back only 20 years ago and compare with today, everything will be clear.

People know very well that Mr Ilham Aliyev is a person who left a great mark in the history of Azerbaijan, and at the same time, Muzaffar Sarkarda, who liberated our lands for the first time in our last 200-year history. There is already a Victory above all victories in Azerbaijan. The leader of our country, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, ensured this victory. A successful strategy was defined by Mr. Ilham Aliyev regarding the future development of Azerbaijan.

It is against the background of President Ilham Aliyev’s concept of advancement that the years 2003-2023 entered the centuries-old statehood history of our country as magnificent 20 years. Even the last 20 years have been so significant in our history that during this period our country, if it is possible to say so, has traveled a path equal to centuries.

Azerbaijan updated the energy map of Eurasia with its unparalleled development. As a result, the historical successes achieved have brought our country to a new stage of development and brought joy to our people.

Today, Azerbaijan is experiencing its brightest days. We can say with certainty that Azerbaijan has never been so strong in its centuries-old history. Didn’t President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev give our people all this immense joy? It is impossible to enumerate the works he did, to put them in books. This fact is also recognized by the world’s famous politicians.

President Ilham Aliyev has succeeded in fully restoring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan in all its territories. Currently, our flag is flying majestically in Khankendi, Shusha, Khojaly, Lachin, Kalbajar, Jabrayil, Zangilan, Fuzuli and other regions. In other words, he solved the complex and even impossible problem of liberating Karabakh from the separatist junta and created new realities in the South Caucasus that amazed the world.

On February 7, Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s voting in polling station No. 14 of electoral district No. 122 in Khankendi had a symbolic meaning. This was a message to the world and Armenians of the world, to their patrons. This showed how important Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur are for Azerbaijan in the example of Khankendi.

If the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev rescued Azerbaijan from the danger of destruction and brought it to a bright tomorrow, Mr. Ilham Aliyev became the most powerful state in its history and acquired the status of the Savior Leader.

Unprecedented construction works are being carried out in Karabakh and East Zangezur, which were cleared from the enemy with Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s real military skills, and after a few years, a great migration of our compatriots to these lands began. Of course, these unparalleled achievements are connected with the name of our victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

We can say with certainty that with Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s leadership of our country in the next seven years, in addition to the continuation of the achievements achieved in the past 20 years, higher peaks and big goals await us. It will be an independent Azerbaijan, stronger than today, fully developed in all areas, with a strong economy. Mr. Ilham Aliyev is one of the rare historical figures who fulfilled all his promises to his people fully and on time. He freed our state from difficult trials and complex processes, and did not let the deep crises that engulfed the world and caused serious consequences close to our country. Azerbaijan, whose rights were trampled on, voice not heard, subjected to military aggression, whose lands were occupied, is today the leader of the region and a strategically important country of the world. That is why the happier, more blissful days of our people, the most magnificent and powerful years of our state are still ahead.

The right choice of 1 million 500 thousand ATUC members

The voice of the people showed that the present and the future of Azerbaijan are related to Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The victory in the elections means the development of Azerbaijan in the next seven years, the continuation of the work started in 20 years, and the further increase of achievements. I believe that this victory is based on the deep trust and confidence of the Azerbaijani people in Ilham Aliyev. The people believed in their leader and voted for him. The New Azerbaijan Party has worked hard to win this victory.

All our people are happy for this great historical victory. Azerbaijani intellectuals, the intellectual elite of our republic are experiencing special feelings of pride and joy today. Because this victory is an indicator of the national responsibility and civic responsibility of the people in front of their historical destiny rather than the individual success and personal achievement of the political leader.

Last year, on December 20, an important decision was made at the extraordinary 6th Congress of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (AHIK), which was attended by about three thousand representatives. 1,500,000 members of ATUC, a voluntary union of 26 regional trade unions, made a decision to support Ilham Aliyev’s candidacy for the presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this regard, it was stated with confidence that today independent Azerbaijan is in safe hands, our country has never been so strong in history. We can proudly say that this is the Azerbaijan that Great Leader Heydar Aliyev dreamed of!

As in the previous presidential elections, the position of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation was unambiguous, unanimous and unchanged. We, the representatives of the extraordinary 6th Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, on behalf of 1.5 million trade union members, continue to stand in solidarity with our people in the extraordinary presidential elections to be held on February 7, 2024, and declared that we support the great personality Ilham Aliyev, who turned Azerbaijan into a developed country.

1.5 million trade union members united in the confederation unanimously supported the candidacy of the head of state, Ilham Aliyev, who ensured the integrity of our country and placed our country among the leading states in the presidential elections.

Positive feedback from international organizations on the election

Thousands of foreign observers watched the presidential elections held in our country. Based on published reports, we can say that Azerbaijan once again showed the world an example of elections. If we pay attention to the statements of several of them and the opinions of observers, we will witness this.

Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, Asian Parliamentary Assembly, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Youth Organization of Non-Aligned Movement, International Relations and Legal Commission of TURKPA, Parliamentary Assembly of Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Caspian Strategic Studies Institute, as well as Turkey, Pakistan, Mexico, Belarus, Bosnia and Delegations of Herzegovina, Morocco, Cambodia, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Iraq and the Arab parliaments issued statements and published reports stating that the elections were held in comfortable and peaceful conditions.

International organizations noted that the election process was held in a transparent, free and organized environment, with a high level of activity of voters to exercise their political and civil rights. Sergey Lebedev, Secretary General of the CIS and head of the observation mission of the organization, declared that the presidential elections were held in full accordance with the Constitution of Azerbaijan.

These elections were also a heavy blow to the anti-Azerbaijani network. All pressures and attacks against our country failed before the elections. In particular, the unsuccessful attempts of PACE, which the Azerbaijani delegation refused, stained this organization itself. The world saw that Azerbaijan has a very high-level election experience. Citizens of the country participated in these elections in an organized manner and showed an example to Europe.

The presidential elections became the center of attention of the international press. The world’s leading press agencies published articles, reports and live broadcasts from polling stations to inform their readers about the transparent and democratic voting process. The materials included the pre-election political-economic situation in the country and the factors determining the elections, the progress and results of the voting process, and opinions on the impact of the election on the future of our country and the region. For example: “Associated Press” agency in one of the polling stations where voters actively cast their votes, it was noted that the election process continued unhindered and freely. In another article of the agency, it was stated that after the lightning-fast processes in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in September last year, the influence of the President of Azerbaijan in the country is at the highest level. The elections are the beginning of a new era in Azerbaijan, which already has complete control over the entire territory of the country.

A new bright era is beginning in the life of our people and our state

Presidential elections are considered the end of an era and the beginning of a new era. In September of last year, our sovereignty was fully restored, the existence of the separatist regime in Karabakh was once and for all ended. With this, a very important period in the history of Azerbaijan was concluded.

The victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev turned our dreams into reality with his powerful leadership and wise policy. Now a new era begins, the beginning of this era is set exactly after the presidential elections. In other words, a new bright period in the life of our nation and state is beginning. Our people have great faith and trust in President Ilham Aliyev, who is the worthiest guarantor of the happy future of the people of Azerbaijan. Because he established a throne in the hearts of the people with the great works he did.


The reforms authored by President Ilham Aliyev have become the basis for a reliable guarantee of the process of improvement, modernization, democratization and sustainable development, as well as for its application on a wider scale. Mr. Ilham Aliyev is a leader who has mastered the flexible management method. The new situation requires him to carry out reforms on a larger scale and make important decisions promptly. Let’s take into account that the projects and programs that are being worked on today are intended for a large strategic period, and most of them cover the stage up to 2030.

In all these processes, President Ilham Aliyev’s biggest supporter and closest comrade-in-arms was the First Lady of our country, First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, deeply understanding the responsibility of the mission assigned to her as the head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and as the first lady, stepped together with Mr. Ilham Aliyev on the way to solving the fateful issues for the country. Of course, we will witness the invaluable services of Mrs. Mehriban, who is the biggest supporter of Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s policy, in the years to come.

If we analyze the work done by Mehriban Aliyeva, who, as the first vice-president, made worthy contributions to the support and success of the political course implemented by President Ilham Aliyev in every field, we can be sure that her multifaceted and wide-ranging activities have a great weight in the current development of Azerbaijan. Mehriban Aliyeva, who is a great supporter of all the projects of President Ilham Aliyev, is providing invaluable services in the reconstruction of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur together with the Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar. As the closest comrade-in-arms of the President of Azerbaijan, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva honorably fulfills all her duties together with the head of state. That is why the exceptional role and position of Mehriban Aliyeva, who became the favorite of the people, in the successful continuation of the statehood policy of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev is appreciated. The honorable mission carried out by Mrs. Mehriban for the sake of Azerbaijan ensures the closer unification of the people around Mr. Ilham Aliyev, further strengthens the political line of Aliyevism, which has become the course of our statehood.

Victory election – an important contribution to the 100th anniversary of Nakhchivan

The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which plays an active role in all the presidential elections held in our country, once again revealed its example in the Victory elections held throughout Azerbaijan.

I am saying all this based on the realities I witnessed in Nakhchivan both in the process of preparing for the elections and on the voting day. Even before the elections, when I met with my voters, they unequivocally declared that they would participate in the elections and vote for the most worthy candidate. On February 7, this was confirmed again.

More than 278,000 voters were registered in 6 constituencies operating in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, where I am a representative in the Milli Majlis. Residents of the autonomous republic began to actively participate in the elections from the moment the voting started. Necessary measures were taken for the voters to vote easily and transparently in the polling stations. It was possible to watch the election process live through web cameras installed in 35 polling stations.

The scene I witnessed while exercising my right to vote in polling station No. 21 of Nakhchivan City Election District No. 4 gave me a sense of pride. Both the registration process organized in the precinct and the voter turnout were perfect.

As of 19:00, the voter turnout in the autonomous republic was 82.09 percent. Immediately after the votes were counted and the results of the “exit poll” were announced, residents in Nakhchivan, as well as in cities and villages of the Autonomous Republic took to the streets and began to celebrate the re-election of the head of state, Supreme Commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev as president with great love and enthusiasm by waving our Tricolor This was a real picture of the love, trust and great trust of the people of  Nakhchivan to Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

In general, Nakhchivan residents have always been distinguished by high activity in the elections, and on February 7 this was confirmed again. As usual, the people of Nakhichevan took an active part in these elections and voted for the bright tomorrow of Azerbaijan.


These elections were also a special feature for Nakhchivan. Because the first presidential elections in 2024, held in whole Azerbaijan on February 7, coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Autonomous Republic.

Today, February 9, marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Nakhchivan, which occupies a worthy place in the centuries-old rich past of Azerbaijan and plays a unique role in its socio-political and scientific-cultural life, saved this ancient Azerbaijani land with its heroic population from the threat of occupation even during the long period of complete isolation and heavy blockade as a result of Armenia’s territorial claims against Azerbaijan, and In 2020, during the 44-day Patriotic War, the brave children of Nakhchivan wrote bright pages in our glorious victory Chronicle.

Today, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic successfully implements state programs and infrastructure projects, takes an active part in increasing the country’s economic power and strengthening its intellectual potential.

And the order of Mr. Ilham Aliyev signed on July 5 last year on approval of the “state program on the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027”is considered a road map of the New progress of Nakhchivan. With the launch of the Institute of Plenipotentiary of the president in Nakhchivan by the order of the head of state and the successful implementation of purposeful reforms, the modern progress of our ancient land began to gain momentum. The view of the tasks carried out by the authorized representative confirms that Nakhchivan is on the right path towards new goals.


In short, the people of Nakhchivan voted for a more magnificent future by giving Mr. Ilham Aliyev a mandate of confidence in the victory election. President Ilham Aliyev, who received a mandate of trust from the people, will begin a new era with a new national idea. This idea will lead to more development of Azerbaijan, increasing its defense power, further strengthening of the national unity of our people and more steadfastness against our external enemies.